Brow lift

What is it?

The brow lift procedure allows the lifting of the eyebrow to obtain a more youthful and attractive look.

Average duration of the intervention:
30 min - 1 hour
Average duration of hospitalization:
Day Surgery

When is this procedure indicated?

Ptosis (descent) of the body and/or tail of the eyebrow, combined technique for rejuvenation of the periocular area.


How is it performed?

The procedure is performed by direct lifting of the eyebrow with an incision on the upper hairline of the same or through a small incision on the scalp, that is under local anesthesia and sedation, with discharge of the patient in the day.




Social life and working activity can be resumed after about a week avoiding physical exertion.

Are you interested in receiving the treatment?

Contact us and we will take care of you.