Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio

Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio
Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio
Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio
Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio
Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio
Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio
Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio
Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio
via Cristina Belgioioso 173
20157 Milano
Distanță față de aeroport:
30 km de la Linate
40 km de la Malpensa
57 km de la Orio al Serio

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Despre noi

Noul spital reunește într-o singură unitate Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, primul spital cu internări de natură ortopedică în care se fac 75% din toate operațiile ortopedice de corectare din Italia, și Istituto Clinico Sant'Ambrogio, exemplu de excelență în domeniul sănătății pentru unitatea sa cardiovasculară, precum și pentru diagnosticarea și tratarea obezității.

Noul Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio (OGSA), acreditat de Sistemul de Sănătate Național (SSN) din Italia și având statutul de I.R.C.C.S. (Institut Științific de Cercetare, Spitalizare și Îngrijire Medicală) acordat de către Ministerul Sănătății din Italia pentru studiul tulburărilor sistemului locomotor, este un centru de excelență în cercetarea clinică și preclinică biomedicală și este bine cunoscut pentru activitatea sa de predare ca centru de formare pentru Facultatea de Medicină și Chirurgie, în acord cu Universitatea din Milano.

Fostul Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi este cunoscut pentru realizările sale în domeniul medicinei sportive și este acum sediul RE.GA.IN, un centru de medicină regenerativă pentru tratamentul patologiilor cartilajului și tendonului.

Din 2007, Institutul a devenit membru al ISOC (Societatea internațională a centrelor ortopedice), recunoscut ca fiind unul dintre cele 19 institute de excelență în domeniul ortopediei reprezentând 16 țări.

Fostul Instituto Clinico Sant'Ambrogio adaugă la noul institut OGSA excelența sa în domeniul sănătății în tratarea patologiilor cardiovasculare, cu peste 500 de intervenții chirurgicale cardiace și 2.500 de proceduri de cardiologie intervențională pe an, devenind astfel printre primele centre italiene pentru tratamente cardiovasculare. Centrul de chirurgie cardiotoracică reprezintă un punct de excelență în chirurgia cardiacă minim-invazivă și în înlocuirea percutanată a valvei aortice. În plus, fostul Istituto Clinico Sant'Ambrogio se află pe primul loc printre spitalele din Lombardia pentru tratamentul infarctului miocardic acut.

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I.R.C.C.S. în domeniul afecțiunilor aparatului locomotor

Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi

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I.R.C.C.S. în domeniul afecțiunilor aparatului locomotor

RAMS, rețeaua sistemului musculoscheletal

Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi

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RAMS, rețeaua sistemului musculoscheletal

I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi este un centru de excelență acreditat de Societatea Eurospine.

Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi

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I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi este un centru de excelență acreditat de Societatea Eurospine.

ISOC – Societatea internațională a centrelor de ortopedie

Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi

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ISOC – Societatea internațională a centrelor de ortopedie

Programul Național de Evaluare a Rezultatelor – AGENAS (Agenția Națională pentru Servicii de Sănătate)

Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi

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Programul Național de Evaluare a Rezultatelor – AGENAS (Agenția Națională pentru Servicii de Sănătate)

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi

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UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Cele mai bune spitale specializate din lume 2020/2021 în ortopedie – Newsweek

Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi

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Cele mai bune spitale specializate din lume 2020/2021 în ortopedie – Newsweek


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Ce spun pacienții despre noi

"If I need to, I will definitely use the services of Bookimed. Thanks for all." Return: About the doctor: "The clinic and the specialists are wonderful." About the clinic: "I was greeted very warmly, they sent a car for me, I did not stand in any queues." About the results: "The autumn staff carried out a detailed and high-quality survey." About the experience: "Bookimed organization was excellent." Most positive sentence: "If I need to, I will definitely use the services of Bookimed. Thanks for all."
Hello. Bookimed organization was excellent. I was greeted very warmly, they sent a car for me, I did not stand in any queues. Honey. the autumn staff carried out a detailed and high-quality survey. I am very glad. The clinic and the specialists are wonderful. I would especially like to note and thank Yulia, who literally did not leave me a single step, was my translator, was very attentive and professional. If I need to, I will definitely use the services of Bookimed. Thanks for all.
Low bow and huge, unlimited gratitude for the unique hands that can cope with even the most difficult work !!!About the Doctor: Low bow to you !!! Her eyes light the way !!! Her wisdom inspires !!! Doctor from God !!! Great talent !!! Kindness that sets an example! Responsiveness !!! Skill !!! Kind heart, sincerity, responsibility !!! Humane approach !!!About the Clinic: The clinic has a unique scientific and medical base, the highest quality of services, the professionalism of doctors, a comfortable microclimate, healthy nutritious food !!!!! Beautiful sunny Milan !!!!About the Results: Many thanks for the sensitive attitude, for the professional and high-quality assistance in the treatment !!!About the Experience: The kindest, most unique, beautiful, radiant, talented, cheerful, open, wonderful, bright man !!!!! She has been with us for five years !!! You can talk about Ekaterina Koliko for a long time !!! Her smile illuminates the world, her successes delight !!! She charges with optimism, courage, radiates warmth and love !!! Her voice that can calm you down and help you forget about all your troubles !!! In any situation you give hope for the best, your simple human participation warms the soul and fills the heart with happiness and confidence !!!Most Positive Sentence: Low bow and huge, unlimited gratitude for the unique hands that can cope with even the most difficult work !!!About the Doctor: Low bow to you !!! Her eyes light the way !!! Her wisdom inspires !!! Doctor from God !!! Great talent !!! Kindness that sets an example! Responsiveness !!! Skill !!! Kind heart, sincerity, responsibility !!! Humane approach !!!About the Clinic: The clinic has a unique scientific and medical base, the highest quality of services, the professionalism of doctors, a comfortable microclimate, healthy nutritious food !!!!! Beautiful sunny Milan !!!!About the Results: Many thanks for the sensitive attitude, for the professional and high-quality assistance in the treatment !!!About the Experience: The kindest, most unique, beautiful, radiant, talented, cheerful, open, wonderful, bright man !!!!! She has been with us for five years !!! You can talk about Ekaterina Koliko for a long time !!! Her smile illuminates the world, her successes delight !!! She charges with optimism, courage, radiates warmth and love !!! Her voice that can calm you down and help you forget about all your troubles !!! In any situation you give hope for the best, your simple human participation warms the soul and fills the heart with happiness and confidence !!! Most Positive Sentence: Low bow and huge, unlimited gratitude for the unique hands that can cope with even the most difficult work !!!
Testimonial from patient Daria. There is in this world the kindest, most unique, beautiful, radiant, talented, cheerful, open, wonderful, bright man !!!!! Employee of Bookimed company !!!! Ekaterina Koliko !!! She has been with us for five years !!! We have already gone through four stages of treatment !!! You can talk about Ekaterina Koliko for a long time !!! Her smile illuminates the world, her wisdom inspires, her successes delight !!! She charges with optimism, courage, radiates warmth and love !!! Her eyes light the way !!! A voice that can calm you down and help you forget about all your troubles !!! Kindness that sets an example! Thank you very much, Ekaterina !!! Low bow to you !!! Everything about you is wonderful, it's amazing how nature could combine all this !!! Amazing little man !!! Let everyone claim that Angels live in heaven, but now I know a man on earth, who is an Angel inside and this man - Ekaterina Koliko !!! In any situation you give hope for the best, your simple human participation warms the soul and fills the heart with happiness and confidence !!! There is another wonderful man at the Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute - Professor Francesco Grecchi !!! Doctor from God !!! Many thanks for the sensitive attitude, for the professional and high-quality assistance in the treatment !!! Thank you for your special attention, for your responsiveness, great talent !!! Thank you very much for your efforts and knowledge, for your efforts and advice, for your kindness and understanding, for your skill !!! Low bow and huge, unlimited gratitude for the unique hands that can cope with even the most difficult work !!! Thank you for your kind heart, sincerity, responsibility !!! We sincerely thank you for your help and humane approach !!! The clinic has a unique scientific and medical base, the highest quality of services, the professionalism of doctors, a comfortable microclimate, healthy nutritious food !!! Beautiful sunny Milan !!!!
"A trip to the clinic was done by Yana. She got us free tickets for a special program." Categorized Statements: About the Doctor: "The consultation was successful" About the Clinic: "Galeazzi clinic was told to come for a detailed consultation" About the Results: "Everything seems to be going positive, waiting for a final decision from them!" About the Experience: "My coordinator Pavel Popkov wrote to Bookimed just a great person, he answers any questions even to stupid ones" Most Positive Sentence: "A trip to the clinic was done by Yana. She got us free tickets for a special program."
Hello, I have serious scoliosis and some other health problems, it is necessary to operate scoliosis and preferably as soon as possible since it will only get worse ... In Ukraine, everyone refused to operate because there was a very big risk, Poland also refused ... Then I My coordinator Pavel Popkov wrote to Bookimed just a great person, he answers any questions even to stupid ones, he sent my documents to different clinics and finally the Galeazzi clinic was told to come for a detailed consultation ... The consultation was successful, everything seems to be going positive, waiting for a final decision from them! A trip to the clinic was done by Yana. She got us free tickets for a special program.
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