Ospedale San Raffaele (Сан-Раффаеле)

Ospedale San Raffaele (Сан-Раффаеле)
Ospedale San Raffaele (Сан-Раффаеле)
Ospedale San Raffaele (Сан-Раффаеле)
Ospedale San Raffaele (Сан-Раффаеле)
Ospedale San Raffaele (Сан-Раффаеле)
Ospedale San Raffaele (Сан-Раффаеле)
Ospedale San Raffaele (Сан-Раффаеле)
Ospedale San Raffaele (Сан-Раффаеле)
Ospedale San Raffaele (Сан-Раффаеле)
Via Olgettina, 60
20132 Milano
Эл. адрес :
Расстояние от аэропорта:
10 км от Линате
62 км от Мальпенса
45 км от Бергамо Орио-аль-Серио

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Научно-Исследовательский Клинический Институт Ospedale San Raffaele — это высокоспециализированный многопрофильный научно-исследовательский медицинский комплекс мировой значимости, специалисты которого ведут лечебную, научно-исследовательскую и учебную работу по всем существующим направлением медицины. Госпиталь имеет аккредитацию IRCCS (Scientific Institute for Research and Healthcare) за ведение научной работы в области молекулярной медицины и разработку новых методов лечения, в том числе генной терапии.

Госпиталь представляет собой многопрофильный центр, охватывающий более 50 клинических направлений и вмещающий 1 600 койко-мест; аккредитован Национальной Системой Здравоохранения Италии для оказания медицинской помощи пациентам как с государственной, так и с частной страховкой, из Италии и из-за рубежа. В 2018 г. госпиталь Сан-Раффаэле произвел более 51 000 госпитализаций, принял 72 000 обращений через отделение неотложной помощи, а также оказал более 1,5 миллионов амбулаторных услуг. Он по праву считается самой знаменитой больницей в стране и принадлежит к числу наиболее авторитетных медицинских центров в Европе. Отделения и операционные Сан-Раффаэле оснащены по последнему слову техники, в центре присутствуют: PET, PET/CT, PET/MRI, GammaKnife, CyberKnife, RapidArc, Tomotherapy. Именно здесь в Отделении Лучевой Терапии Сан-Раффаэле в 2004 году была установлена первая в Европе томотерапия. Это отделение по сей день является одним из самых опытных в Европе, на его базе было разработано и разрабатывается большое количество протоколов лечения рака простаты, груди, ЦНС, головного мозга, печени, поджелудочной железы, желудочно-кишечного тракта, легких и других. Консилиум врачей, состоящий из диагностов, клинических онкологов, иммунологов, хирургов и специалистов в области радиотерапии, собирается еженедельно для обсуждения программ лечения онкобольных.

Помимо лечения онкологических заболеваний в клинике ярко представлена кардиология и кардиохирургия, неврология, нейрохирургия, гастроэнтерология и хирургия желудочно-кишечного тракта, хирургия печени, поджелудочной железы, трансплантология, гинекология и акушерство, урология, дерматология, офтальмология, иммунология, ревматология и педиатрия.

Сан-Раффаэле – лидер в области генной медицины и лечения редких иммунных и генетических заболеваний. Научно-исследовательским центром Сан-Раффаэле была разработана первая в мире генная терапия со стволовыми клетками Strimvelis для больных ADA-SCID синдромом.

Научно-исследовательская деятельность в госпитале Сан-Раффаэле фокусируется на интеграции общих, прикладных и клинических исследований ради оказания самых современных медицинских услуг. В научных исследованиях задействовано более 1 500 ученых, работающих в современных комплексах, которые располагаются на площади в 130 000 квадратных метров, только за 2018 год ими было опубликовано более 1 446 научных работ. Исследования в госпитале San Raffaele нацелены на понимание механизмов, определяющих развитие различных заболеваний, и идентификацию новых задач и стратегий лечения заболеваний.

На базе госпиталя Сан-Раффаэле функционирует Университет Vita-Salute San Raffaele– частный университет, в котором помимо полноценного медицинского факультета и факультета сестринского дела, предлагаются программы высшего образования по психологии и философии, что полностью отражает миссию Института – ответ на вопрос Quid est homo? –и предполагает изучение человека как единого биологического, психологического и духовного целого. С 2010 г. в Университете Vita-Salute San Raffaele также можно пройти Международную программу по Медицине и Хирургии (MD) – единственную программу, аккредитованную лицензировать врачей как в Европе, так и в Северной Америке.

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Первое место по количеству научных сотрудников на Европейском и Американском конгрессах урологов.

Ospedale San Raffaele

Первое место по количеству научных сотрудников на Европейском и Американском конгрессах урологов.

Специзированный медицинский центр 3 уровня в области сердечно-сосудистой анестезии и интенсивной терапии региона Ломбардия

Ospedale San Raffaele

Специзированный медицинский центр 3 уровня в области сердечно-сосудистой анестезии и интенсивной терапии региона Ломбардия

Аккредитация Итальянской группы по костному мозгу (GITMO)

Ospedale San Raffaele

Аккредитация Итальянской группы по костному мозгу (GITMO)

Аккредитация JACIE – Программа трансплантации стволовых клеток

Ospedale San Raffaele

Аккредитация JACIE – Программа трансплантации стволовых клеток

Аккредитованный Европейский центр подготовки специалистов по флебологии

Ospedale San Raffaele

Аккредитованный Европейский центр подготовки специалистов по флебологии

Bollino Rosa

Ospedale San Raffaele

Bollino Rosa

Сертификат ЮНИСЕФ-ВОЗ БДОР: «Больница доброжелательного отношения к ребенку»

Ospedale San Raffaele

Сертификат ЮНИСЕФ-ВОЗ БДОР: «Больница доброжелательного отношения к ребенку»

Член глобального альянса Эрдхейм-Честер

Ospedale San Raffaele

Член глобального альянса Эрдхейм-Честер

Специзированный медицинский центр Европейского Союза ERN-EURACAN

Ospedale San Raffaele

Специзированный медицинский центр Европейского Союза ERN-EURACAN

Отделение офтальмологии больницы Сан-Раффаэле аккредитовано ЕBO.

Ospedale San Raffaele

Отделение офтальмологии больницы Сан-Раффаэле аккредитовано ЕBO.

Европейская справочная сеть по редким заболеваниям (ERN) Редкий иммунодефицит, аутовоспалительные и аутоиммунные заболевания (RITA)

Ospedale San Raffaele

Европейская справочная сеть по редким заболеваниям (ERN) Редкий иммунодефицит, аутовоспалительные и аутоиммунные заболевания (RITA)

Европейская справочная сеть по редким эондокринным заболеваниям Endo-ERN

Ospedale San Raffaele

Европейская справочная сеть по редким эондокринным заболеваниям Endo-ERN

Альянс европейских университетских клиник

Ospedale San Raffaele

Альянс европейских университетских клиник

Центр стажировки Европейской школы перспективных исследований в области офтальмологии (ESASO) при патологиях сетчатки

Ospedale San Raffaele

Центр стажировки Европейской школы перспективных исследований в области офтальмологии (ESASO) при патологиях сетчатки

Европейская группа центров Офтальмологических Исследований (EVI.CT.SE)

Ospedale San Raffaele

Европейская группа центров Офтальмологических Исследований (EVI.CT.SE)

Учебный центр Международного совета офтальмологов (ICO)

Ospedale San Raffaele

Учебный центр Международного совета офтальмологов (ICO)

Альянс по борьбе с онкологическими заболеваниями (ACC), Национальная сеть онкологов

Ospedale San Raffaele

Альянс по борьбе с онкологическими заболеваниями (ACC), Национальная сеть онкологов


Ospedale San Raffaele


Научно-исследовательский институт в области молекулярной медицины

Ospedale San Raffaele

Научно-исследовательский институт в области молекулярной медицины

Сеть неврологии и нейрореабилитации IRCCS (RIN)

Ospedale San Raffaele

Сеть неврологии и нейрореабилитации IRCCS (RIN)

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Ospedale San Raffaele

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

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Ospedale San Raffaele

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Лучшие специализированные больницы мира в 2021 году – 1-е место в Италии, 6-е место в мире

Ospedale San Raffaele

Лучшие специализированные больницы мира в 2021 году – 1-е место в Италии, 6-е место в мире

Лучшие специализированные больницы мира по кардиологии на 2021 год – Журнал Newsweek

Ospedale San Raffaele

Лучшие специализированные больницы мира по кардиологии на 2021 год – Журнал Newsweek

Европейский центр передового опыта - Европейское общество нейроэндокринных опухолей

Ospedale San Raffaele

Европейский центр передового опыта - Европейское общество нейроэндокринных опухолей

Центр педиатрических исследований фазы I Итальянского агентства по лекарственным препаратам (AIFA)

Ospedale San Raffaele

Центр педиатрических исследований фазы I Итальянского агентства по лекарственным препаратам (AIFA)

Bollino Azzurro

Ospedale San Raffaele

Bollino Azzurro


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I was very impressed by everything
I was very impressed by eveything.It took us almost 6 months to find the best doctor and Hospital for my mum.The agent who helped us from bookimed was the best lots of research and we finally settelled for st Rafaella Hospital .We were not disappointed Everything was done well and perfectly and the Agent was intouch all the way through it all.I would recommend anyone to go through them.My mother got. her Treatment and we are very greatful.It was a very stressful time knowing that my mother had to go for radioiodine for her thyroid turns out she did not need that and that there was other Options available .We are thankful.
بصراحة أود شكر الفريق الطبي باكمله في مستشفى سان رفائييل قسم جراحة المخ والاعصاب بقيادة الخبير البروفيسور دكتور مورتيني شكر هو من أعماق قلبي على عدة امور : مستشفى في قمة الدقة والاتقان والتنظيم وفريق طبي متميز اضافة الى ان هذا الدكتور من التواضع والخبرة والاسلوب الراقي لا اجد الكلمات المعبرة لشكره والثناء عليه هو وفريقه المساعد من الجراحين وطبيبة التخدير ووالى اصغر موظف وعامل في هذا المستشفى الانساني واتمنى لهم التوفيق والنجاح في انقاذ ارواح الناس وعلاجهم وشفائهم
"I declare with all responsibility that the San Rafael clinic in Milan is the best."Return: About the doctor: "More in the world of such doctors." About the clinic: "The professionalism of the doctors, the newest equipment, the care of the clinic staff are among the best in Europe." About the results: "After treating my father’s stomach cancer, I visited the neurologist and gastroenterologist and myself." About the experience: "Thank you so much to the coordinator, the doctors from the international department of the clinic." Most positive sentence: "I declare with all responsibility that the San Rafael clinic in Milan is the best."
The professionalism of the doctors, the newest equipment, the care of the clinic staff are among the best in Europe. The treatment and operations in Russia and Germany have been carried out, I declare with all responsibility that the San Rafael clinic in Milan is the best. After treating my father’s stomach cancer, I visited the neurologist and gastroenterologist and myself. Thank you so much to the coordinator, the doctors from the international department of the clinic. More in the world of such doctors. THANK YOU!
I consulted with Professor Testoni (gastroenterology) on the basis of medical documents, which I translated into English and sent to the clinic via the Internet. That is, as such, I did not have a trip. The purpose of my consultation was to diagnose, namely, to clarify the cause of a number of health complaints, among which were complaints about digestion and other complaints. In general, my impression of the consultation is negative. First, the doctor points out that to solve my main problem - a strange lack of energy, lack of air in the apartment and in transport, lethargy and fatigue - requires the help of a psychiatrist to treat a depressive state. There is practically no justification for this conclusion in the conclusion. There is only a short argument in which it is said that weakness cannot be explained by any other painful conditions, which means that the help of a psychiatrist is needed. Before you make such a conclusion, you should first carefully examine all possible diseases that occur in different people, and check all these diseases in a patient. However, modern medicine today has not achieved this goal. Therefore, I know that this conclusion is a mistake, and I do not need the help of a psychiatrist. I expected a more professional and advanced diagnosis from a world-class clinic, and not just an exception method. Secondly, the doctor in the second paragraph writes that the EGDS and colonoscopy procedures did not reveal any organic diseases in me. But in fact, I have erosive gastritis and bile reflux, which are noted in various studies. Then it turns out that gastritis is not an organic disease? This conclusion is puzzling to me. And I believe that bile reflux is also some objective evidence that is important for diagnosis. Even in medicine, I note that Professor Testoni still gave me some additional examination in gastroenterology. Perhaps this is really right and necessary, and it should be attributed to the merits. The cost of consultation is 350 euros, which is generally quite expensive in my opinion. Olga Gribova, the coordinator from the hospital, did not have a reliable connection, because when there were problems with the transfer of money, she did not respond to some of my letters, and I didn’t even know if she had read them or not. I also tried to call on the phone, but the answering machine in Italian answered me there. In general, my impression of the consultation is negative.
I had a visit to a urologist, treatment did not help, the next recommendation was to visit in a month. Alas, the pain has not gone away.
It was well received, everything was promptly organized by the coordinators.
Good afternoon! It was well received, everything was promptly organized by the coordinators. But there was a misunderstanding that the second opinion of the Doctor was not officially heard, but verbally through the coordinators. At my request to provide an official opinion, I was sent in Italian, I would still like to receive a report at least in English, since the clinic is positioning itself international.
We want to express our deep gratitude to the bookimed employees and to all for the assistance and assistance rendered! you are all just great guys !!!About the Doctor: The doctor examined very carefully. I attracted two more doctors for the necessary computer research during the appointment. The attitude is very attentive and not superficial. About the Clinic: Everything was organized through bookimed. We were admitted to the clinic at a convenient number for us, and we called more than once about the translator and our escort in the clinic. At the reception was a clear translation of all our problems on the retina.About the Results: We learned a lot of new and interesting information about a sore eye.About the Experience: We did everything for the first time and there were concerns whether I got on a dubious site?!? But to our surprise, which was very pleasant, thanks to consultants with bookimed, we met with a consultant translator near the clinic without any problems. Most Positive Sentence: We want to express our deep gratitude to the bookimed employees and to all for the assistance and assistance rendered! you are all just great guys !!!Categorized Statements: About the Doctor: The doctor examined very carefully. I attracted two more doctors for the necessary computer research during the appointment. The attitude is very attentive and not superficial. About the Clinic: Everything was organized through bookimed. We were admitted to the clinic at a convenient number for us, and we called more than once about the translator and our escort in the clinic. At the reception was a clear translation of all our problems on the retina. About the Results: We learned a lot of new and interesting information about a sore eye. About the Experience: We did everything for the first time and there were concerns whether I got on a dubious site?!? But to our surprise, which was very pleasant, thanks to consultants with bookimed, we met with a consultant translator near the clinic without any problems. Most Positive Sentence: We want to express our deep gratitude to the bookimed employees and to all for the assistance and assistance rendered! you are all just great guys !!!
I am writing my impressions of visiting the Italian clinic of San Rafaele. Everything was organized through bookimed. I did everything for the first time and there were concerns whether I got on a dubious site?!? But to our surprise, which was very pleasant, thanks to consultants with bookimed, we were admitted to the clinic at a convenient number for us, and we called more than once about the translator and our escort in the clinic. As a result, we met with a consultant translator near the clinic without any problems. At the reception was a clear translation of all our problems on the retina. Were at the Department of Ophthalmology. The doctor examined very carefully. I attracted two more doctors for the necessary computer research during the appointment. The attitude is very attentive and not superficial. We learned a lot of new and interesting information about a sore eye .... By the way, for the money, we paid only the cost of the consultation itself in the clinic. We want to express our deep gratitude to the bookimed employees and to all for the assistance and assistance rendered! you are all just great guys !!!
"At the moment everyone is happy"Return: About the doctor: "special thanks to Professor Berera"; About the clinic: "accompanying Julia, very nice girl"; About the results: "I can't say anything about the results of treatment, this is a long process"; About the experience: "The diagnosis that was made in Ukraine was in great doubt"; Most positive sentence: "At the moment everyone is happy".
The diagnosis that was made in Ukraine was in great doubt. I don’t understand Italian, but my mother who is fluent in this language from Professor Berera is delighted. Accompanying Julia special thanks, very nice girl. I can’t say anything about the results of treatment, this is a long process. At the moment everyone is happy
What I can say is what a Dr he understood the family worry and explain the situation and diagnosis result and what is the best way to move forward. He is the best Dr by far I have ever seen.About the Doctor: What I can say is what a Dr he understood the family worry and explain the situation and diagnosis result and what is the best way to move forward. He is the best Dr by far I have ever seen. About the Clinic: The San raffaele hospital in Milan was our first choice and we didn’t regret. Prof Nigri and the all doctors was professional. From the first day they were very fast and took two days for all kind of diagnosis and the third day they were ready for the surgery, so they’re very fast. About the Results: Not much to compline. About the Experience: First of all thanks to Maryna from Bookimed with out her nothing was possible and she was supportive all the time when we needed help. DR Muriana Maryna what a person she is the best she can understand a human being with their difficulties moments and try always find a solution. Thanks to her everything going well. Thank you Varvara also even if we didn’t have much contact she was helpful. Most Positive Sentence: What I can say is what a Dr he understood the family worry and explain the situation and diagnosis result and what is the best way to move forward. He is the best Dr by far I have ever seen.
First of all thanks to Maryna from Bookimed with out her nothing was possible and she was supportive all the time when we needed help. The San raffaele hospital in Milan was our first choice and we didn’t regret. Prof Nigri and the all doctors was professional. DR Muriana What I can say is what a Dr he understood the family worry and explain the situation and diagnosis result and what is the best way to move forward. He is the best Dr by far I have ever seen. From the first day they were very fast and took two days for all kind of diagnosis and the third day they were ready for the surgery, so they’re very fast. Negative Not much to compline but their English was ok Maryna what a person she is the best she can understand a human being with their difficulties moments and try always find a solution. Thanks to her everything going well. Thank you Varvara also even if we didn’t have much contact she was helpful.
Samuel Araya
The #1 medical tourism platform

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