Pietro Dante Muselli
السيرة الذاتية
Dr. Pietro Dante Muselli is proctologist at the IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi – Sant’Ambrogio and IRCCS Policlinico San Donato. He also collaborates with the Casa di Cura La Madonnina, Villa Erbosa Hospital in Bologna and l'Istituto Clinico Villa Aprica in Como.
In 2001, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milan, and in 2007 he received a specialization in general surgery at the University of Verona.
The following year, he collaborated for 6 months with the Center for Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery in Heidelberg (Germany), and from 2008 to 2009 he collaborated in General Surgery III Istituto Clinico Humanitas, where he also carried out emergency room activities in the Emergency Surgery department.
In 2009 he was director of general surgery on a fixed basis at the Ospedale di Busto Arsizio and from 2010 to 2014 he was an assistant in the department of minimally invasive surgery at the Istituto Clinico Humanitas. Subsequently, again at the same institute, assistant surgeon in the Autonomous Department of Esophagogastric Surgery.
In 2010 Dr. Muselli continued his studies in various and numerous courses, including advanced courses, and in 2012 he received his PhD in Surgical Physiopathology from the University of Catania.
In addition, in 2010 he was an Associate Professor at the University of Milan for professional activities in teaching and mentoring university students; in 2011 he was Professor of Surgery in the free course in nursing at the Istituto Clinico Humanitas, and in 2012 he was Professor of the elective course "Ultrasound Approach – Point of Emergency" for medical students at the University of Milan.
Since 2016 he has been a surgeon at l'U.O. general surgery of the Italian Auxological Institute in Milan and is the first assistant surgeon in the Autonomous Department of Endocrine Surgery.
Dr. Muselli is a general surgeon specializing in minimally invasive video laparoscopic surgery used in the following cases:
- coloproctological pathology (colorectal resections, appendectomies);
- pathology of the pelvic floor even when using robot programs (prolapse of the rectum, bladder and vagina, enterocele);
- wall surgery (inguinal hernias by the TEP and TAPP techniques, hernias of the white line of the abdomen, inguinotomical hernias, laparocele);
- general surgery (e.g. pilonidal sinus surgery) with all techniques (e.g. laser coarctation, PICO type negative pressure dressing);
- hepatobiliary surgery (gallbladder stones – cholecystitis).
In the field of proctology, he is mainly engaged in:
- diagnostics (anoscopy and endoanal ultrasound, high-resolution HRA anoscopy for the study of HPV pathologies, condylomas, tumors of the anus and anal canal);
- hemorrhoid surgery using all surgical techniques depending on the case (mechanical suturing, excision of hemorrhoids, the use of laser, THD, radio frequency, ultrasonic scalpel, etc.);
- cracks;
- abscesses / perianal fistulas;
- obstructed bowel movement syndrome;
- condylomatosis and HPV lesion using Proctor station HR for localization of macroscopically invisible lesions.
In pelvic floor surgery, he is particularly active in:
- prolapses (rectal, vaginal, bladder, enterocele);
- incontinence, constipation (Sphin Keeper placement, neurosacral stimulation);
- obstructed bowel movement syndrome.
Finally, in outpatient surgery, he is engaged in:
- removal of skin formations such as nevi, lipomas, sebaceous gland cysts, dermatofibromas, basal cell carcinomas;
- drainage for abscesses;
- removal of foreign bodies;
- total or partial onychectomy with ingrown toenail.