Rosa Di Micco

السيرة الذاتية

Dr. Rosa Di Micco is a mammologist in the Department of Surgery of the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele under the supervision of Dr. Oreste Davide Gentilini. He also works at Policlinico San Marco.

After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Federico II University of Naples in 2010, she specialized in general surgery in 2017 at the same university. Also in 2017, she received a 2nd Level European Master's Degree (MRBS) in the field of Oncological, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Breast Surgery (Surgical Oncology, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Breast Surgery) at the Reconstructive Microsurgery European School (RMES) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Finally, the doctor defended her doctoral dissertation on advanced biomedical and surgical methods of treatment at the Federico II University of Naples.

From a clinical point of view, Dr. Di Micco is engaged in surgical treatment of benign and malignant breast diseases, conducting initial diagnostic visits, follow-up of already treated patients, control in patients with genetic mutations that increase the risk of breast cancer, and in patients undergoing screening.

The doctor's surgical activity is mainly devoted to the treatment of breast cancer and risk reduction in patients with high genetic risk. The doctor performs both conservative interventions (quadrant surgery, partial breast resection, tumourectomy) and more radical interventions (total mastectomy, skin-preserving mastectomy, nipple preservation and skin reduction), which are performed in collaboration with colleagues-plastic surgeons.

As for research activities, Dr. Di Micco pays special attention to the following areas: conservative and oncoplastic breast surgery, breast and armpit surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, sentinel lymph node biopsy, breast reconstruction after mastectomy with prepectoral prostheses, the role of PET-MRI in the treatment of breast cancer. 

She is the author and co-author of 50 publications in national and international scientific journals and book chapters. Her Hirsch index is 8. She is a regular speaker at national and international congresses in this industry.

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أحدث المنشورات

Bilateral mammoplasty for cancer: Surgical, oncological and patient-reported outcomes
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017 Jan;43(1):68-75.
Di Micco R, O'Connell RL, Barry PA, Roche N, MacNeill FA, Rusby JE.
قراءة المزيد
Standard Wide Local Excision or Bilateral Reduction Mammoplasty in large-breasted women with small tumours: surgical and patientreported outcomes
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017 Apr;43(4):636-641.
Di Micco R, O'Connell RL, Barry PA, Roche N, MacNeill FA, Rusby JE.
قراءة المزيد
Initial experience of the BREAST-Q breast-conserving therapy module
Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Nov;160(1):79-89
O'Connell RL, DiMicco R, Khabra K, O'Flynn EA, deSouza N, Roche N, Barry PA, Kirby AM, Rusby JE.
قراءة المزيد
The potential role of three-dimensional surface imaging as a tool to evaluate aesthetic outcome. Breast Cancer Res
Treat Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2017, Jul; 164(2):385
O’Connell RL, Di Micco R, Khabra K, Wolf L, deSouza N, Roche N, Barry PA, Kirby AM.
قراءة المزيد
Comparison of immediate versus delayed deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flap reconstruction in women who require postmastectomy radiotherapy.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018 Sep;142(3):594-605
O’Connell RL, Di Micco R, Khabra K, Kirby AM, Harris PA, James SE, Power K, Ramsey KWD, Rusby JE.
قراءة المزيد
The role of MRI in predicting ki67 in breast cancer: preliminary results from a prospective study
Tumori. 2018 Dec;104(6):438-443
Caiazzo C.* - Di Micco R.*, Esposito E., Sollazzo V. Cervotti M., Varelli C, Limite G, Forestieri P.
قراءة المزيد
Short-term safety outcomes of mastectomy and immediate implant-based breast reconstruction with and without mesh (iBRA): a multicentre, prospective cohort study
Lancet Oncol. 2019 Feb;20(2):254-266.
Potter S, Conroy EJ, Cutress RI, Williamson PR, Whisker L, Thrush S, Skillman J, Barnes NLP, Mylvaganam S, Teasdale E, Jain A, Gardiner MD, Blazeby JM, Holcombe C; iBRA Steering Group; Breast Reconstruction Research Collaborative.
قراءة المزيد
Aesthetic Breast Surgery Under Cold Tumescent Anesthesia: Feasibility and Safety in Outpatient Clinic.
Ann Plast Surg. 2019 Oct;83(4):384-387.
Ceccarino R - Di Micco R*, Cappelletti R.
قراءة المزيد
Sentinel node biopsy after primary systemic therapy in node positive breast cancer patients: time trend, imaging staging power and nodal downstaging according to molecular subtype.
Eur J Surg Oncol 31 Jan 2019
Di Micco R, Zuber V, Fiacco E, Carriero F, Gattuso MI, Nazzaro L, Panizza P, Gianolli L, Canevari C, Di Muzio N, Pasetti M, Sassi I, Zambetti M, Gentilini OD.
قراءة المزيد
Sentinel node biopsy in early breast cancer. A review on recent and ongoing randomized trials
Breast. 2017 Aug 27;36:14-19
Esposito E, Di Micco R, Gentilini OD.
قراءة المزيد
Breast Reconstruction Research Collaborative. The impact of immediate breast reconstruction on the time to delivery of adjuvant therapy: the iBRA-2 study
Br J Cancer. 2019 Apr;120(9):883-895
11.O'Connell RL, Rattay T, Dave RV, Trickey A, Skillman J, Barnes NLP, Gardiner M, Harnett A, Potter S, Holcombe C; iBRA-2 Steering Group;
قراءة المزيد
Rare sites of breast cancer metastasis: a review.
Transl Cancer Res 2019 |
Di Micco R, Santurro L, Gasparri ML, Zuber V, Fiacco E, Gazzetta G, Smart CE, Valentini A, Gentilini OD.
قراءة المزيد
Nipple-Sparing Goldilocks Mastectomy for Breast Cancer in Elderly: A Case Report
Clin Surg. 2019; 4: 2556
Di Micco R, Zuber V, Maggi G, Fiacco E, Gasparri ML, Gazzetta G, Gentilini OD.
Multicentre prospective observational study evaluating recommendations for mastectomy by multidisciplinary teams
Br J Surg. 2020 Feb;107(3):227-237
Mastectomy Decisions Audit (MasDA) Collaborative, on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative.
قراءة المزيد
Therapeutic mammaplasty is a safe and effective alternative to mastectomy with or without immediate breast reconstruction
Br J Surg. 2020 Feb 19
Potter S, Trickey A, Rattay T, O'Connell RL, Dave R, Baker E, Whisker L, Skillman J, Gardiner MD, Macmillan RD, Holcombe C; TeaM and iBRA-2 Steering Groups, the Breast Reconstruction Research Collaborative, and the Mammary Fold Academic and Research Collaborative.
قراءة المزيد

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