Intravenous vitamin infusions: what is it?

Intravenous vitamin infusions: what is it?

Data publicării: 09-06-2023

Actualizare la: 09-06-2023

Subiect: Sănătate mentală

Durată de citire estimată: 1 min.

Busy lifestyles and stress often deprive us of strength and weaken the immune system. Vitamin therapy given intravenously is a method that can help strengthen one's body and regain proper mental and physical balance. Let's find out more about what this is with Dr. Cristina Fumagalli, an anesthesia specialist who performs this type of treatment at Casa di Cura La Madonnina.

What is vitamin infusion therapy?

"Intravenous vitamin infusions, also known as intravenous vitamin therapy (IVT), are very simply drips of highly concentrated vitamins," Dr. Fumagalli explains, "administered by blood. They have 2 benefits:

  • they reach blood cells faster;
  • they can be absorbed better by the body than food and supplements taken orally, with enhanced results."

What substances are infused?

There are several different types of substances that can be infused into veins, in customized combinations, and specific dosages depending on what deficiencies are found and/or what goal is desired. Among these the main ones are: 

  • vitamins, particularly C and B;
  • minerals (manganese, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium, etc.);
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • homeopathic medicines that go to work on metabolism, oxidative stress, chronic fatigue and have an energizing effect.

Indications for the treatment

Vitamin infusion can be used for people who:

  • have 1 or more vitamin/mineral deficiencies and are unable to follow a balanced diet or because they have diseases that prevent them from proper vitamin absorption. One of the advantages of intravenous vitamin therapy is also to be able to administer certain vitamins to individuals who, because of food sensitivities, intolerances, or allergies, are unable to take them properly through food;
  • do not have pathological deficiencies, but due to a state of fatigue or stress want to improve their mental and physical well-being.

Benefits of vitamin infusions

The benefits of intravenous vitamin therapy can be different, even depending on the cocktail used and the person. Among these the main ones are:

  • strengthening of the immune system;
  • increased energy levels and reduced fatigue;
  • cellular regeneration and revitalization;
  • reactivation of metabolism;
  • purification of the body from toxic metals and waste substances;
  • improvement of one's bowel function;
  • improvement of mood and concentration;
  • strengthening of nails and hair;
  • healthier skin;
  • anti-aging effect;
  • reduction of painful and/or inflammatory states;
  • decreased manifestations of asthma, allergies, sinusitis.

Risks of vitamin therapy

Vitamins can result in interactions with other drugs or even be toxic to the body if taken in excessive doses. For this reason, treatment should be carried out by qualified medical personnel who conduct all appropriate clinical evaluations prior to administration.

In addition, treatment should be evaluated in case of: 

How it is administered?

The cocktail of vitamins and nutrients is administered in sealed bags through a small tube and needle, just like a regular IV. The infusion is generally carried out in cycles of about 10 sessions lasting 20 minutes to 1 hour each (depending on the amount infused), during which the patient is comfortably seated or lying on a couch.

Vitamin Therapy and Auto Hemo-Infusion (AHI)

Vitamin therapy can be given alone or, to potentiate its effect, immediately following the Auto Hemo-Infusion (AHI) session. AHI involves drawing 100/150 ml of the patient's blood, which is collected in a bag, mixed in a closed-loop system with a variable concentration of oxygen/ozone, and then reinfused into the patient.

Oxygen and ozone, naturally present in our atmosphere, transported by blood throughout the body go to enhance microcirculation and perform a variety of functions:

  • analgesic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating and revitalizing;
  • energizing;
  • decontracting: by going to relax muscles; it is also indicated for athletes after major sports activity;
  • antioxidant;
  • detoxifying;
  • strengthening;
  • lipolytic, or fat-dissolving, going to act on cellulite and localized adiposity.

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