Giorgia Mangili



Giorgia Mangili医生是米兰IRCCS圣拉斐尔科学研究医院妇产科下属的妇科肿瘤科负责人,在Massimo Candiani教授的指导下开展工作。




Mangili医生以作者或共同作者的身份编撰了多个妇科肿瘤学书籍章节,并在意大利国内外科学期刊上发表了约150篇文章。H指数为30。Giorgia Mangili医生是众多科学协会的成员,主要包括:欧洲妇科肿瘤协会(ESGO)、欧洲滋养细胞疾病治疗组织(EOTTD)、AIOM。

Mangili医生还是MITO GROUP意大利卵巢癌和妇科恶性肿瘤多中心试验小组的董事会成员。

2013年,她与心理医生Valentina Di Mattei一起创办了Salute allo Specchio Onlus机构,该机构旨在从心理、美学和精神运动角度为在圣拉斐尔科学研究医院接受癌症治疗的女性提供帮助。


医学学位 - 1983年

妇产科专业学位 - 1987年

肿瘤学专业学位 - 1991年






Niraparib in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Advanced Ovarian Cancer.
N Engl J Med. 2019 Sep 28
González-Martín A, Pothuri B, Vergote I, DePont Christensen R, Graybill W, Mirza MR, McCormick C, Lorusso D, Hoskins P, Freyer G, Baumann K, Jardon K, Redondo A, Moore RG, Vulsteke C, O'Cearbhaill RE, Lund B, Backes F, Barretina-Ginesta P, Haggerty AF, Rubio-Pérez MJ, Shahin MS, Mangili G, Bradley WH, Bruchim I, Sun K, Malinowska IA, Li Y, Gupta D, Monk BJ; PRIMA/ENGOT-OV26/GOG-3012 Investigators
Management of recurrent ovarian cancer: when platinum-based regimens are not a therapeutic option.
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2019 Nov;29(9):1431-1436. doi: 10.1136/ijgc-2019-000624. Epub 2019 Sep 18
Bergamini A, Bocciolone L, Fodor A, Candiani M, Mangili G.
A Pictorial Ultrasound Essay of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease.
J Ultrasound Med. 2019 Aug 29
Cavoretto P, Cioffi R, Mangili G, Petrone M, Bergamini A, Rabaiotti E, Valsecchi L, Candiani M, Seckl MJ
Conservative surgery in stage I adult type granulosa cells tumors of the ovary: Results from the MITO-9 study.
Gynecol Oncol. 2019 Aug;154(2):323-327.
Bergamini A, Cormio G, Ferrandina G, Lorusso D, Giorda G, Scarfone G, Bocciolone L, Raspagliesi F, Tateo S, Cassani C, Savarese A, Breda E, De Giorgi U, Mascilini F, Candiani M, Kardhashi A, Biglia N, Perrone AM, Pignata S, Mangili G.
Does methotrexate (MTX) dosing in a 8-day MTX/FA regimen for the treatment of low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia affect outcomes? The MITO-9 study.
Gynecol Oncol. 2018 Dec;151(3):449-452
Mangili G, Cioffi R, Danese S, Frigerio L, Ferrandina G, Cormio G, Rabaiotti E, Scarfone G, Gadducci A, Bergamini A, Pisano C, Candiani M
Laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of stage I adult granulosa cells tumors of the ovary: Results from the MITO-9 study.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2018
Bergamini A, Ferrandina G, Candiani M, Cormio G, Giorda G, Lauria R, Perrone AM, Scarfone G, Breda E, Savarese A, Frigerio L, Gadducci A, Mascilini F, Maneschi F, Cassani C, Marchetti C, Cecere SC, Biglia N, De Giorgi U, Raspagliesi F, Lorusso D, Mangili G
Reproductive Outcomes After Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia. A Comparison Between Single-Agent and Multiagent Chemotherapy: Retrospective Analysis From the MITO-9 Group.
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2018 Feb;28(2):332-337
Cioffi R, Bergamini A, Gadducci A, Cormio G, Giorgione V, Petrone M, Rabaiotti E, Pella F, Candiani M, Mangili G.
Fertility preservation in women harboring deleterious BRCA mutations: ready for prime time?
Hum Reprod. 2018 Feb 1;33(2):181-187.
Peccatori FA, Mangili G, Bergamini A, Filippi F, Martinelli F, Ferrari F, Noli S, Rabaiotti E, Candiani M, Somigliana E.
Rare ovarian tumours: Epidemiology, treatment challenges in and outside a network setting.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2019
Ray-Coquard I, Trama A, Seckl MJ, Fotopoulou C, Pautier P, Pignata S, Kristensen G, Mangili G, Falconer H, Massuger L, Sehouli J, Pujade-Lauraine E, Lorusso D, Amant F, Rokkones E, Vergote I, Ledermann JA RARECARENet Working Group.
Randomized Controlled Trial Testing the Efficacy of Platinum-Free Interval Prolongation in Advanced Ovarian Cancer: The MITO-8, MaNGO, BGOG-Ov1, AGO-Ovar2.16, ENGOT-Ov1, GCIG Study.
J Clin Oncol. 2017 Oct 10;35(29):3347-3353.
Pignata S, Scambia G, Bologna A, Signoriello S, Vergote IB, Wagner U, Lorusso D, Murgia V, Sorio R, Ferrandina G, Sacco C, Cormio G, Breda E, Cinieri S, Natale D, Mangili G, Pisano C, Cecere SC, Di Napoli M, Salutari V, Raspagliesi F, Arenare L, Bergamini A, Bryce J, Daniele G, Piccirillo MC, Gallo C, Perrone F.
Salvage high-dose chemotherapy in female patients with relapsed/refractory germ-cell tumors: a retrospective analysis of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT).
Ann Oncol. 2017 Aug 1;28(8):1910-1916.
De Giorgi U, Richard S, Badoglio M, Kanfer E, Bourrhis JH, Nicolas-Virelizier E, Vettenranta K, Lioure B, Martin S, Dreger P, Schuler MK, Thomson K, Scarpi E, Rosti G, Selle F, Mangili G, Lanza F, Bregni M; Solid Tumours Working Party (STWP) of the EBMT.
Long-acting recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone in random-start ovarian stimulation protocols for fertility preservation in women with cancer.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2017 Aug;96(8):949-953
Sarais V, Paffoni A, Pagliardini L, Filippi F, Martinelli F, Mangili G, Candiani M, Papaleo E.
Fertility preservation in women with borderline ovarian tumours.
Cancer Treat Rev. 2016 Sep;49:13-24
Mangili G, Somigliana E, Giorgione V, Martinelli F, Filippi F, Petrella MC, Candiani M, Peccatori F.
The role of staging and adjuvant chemotherapy in stage I Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors (MOGTs): the MITO-9 study.
Ann Oncol. 2017
Mangili G, Sigismondi C, Lorusso D, Cormio G, Candiani M, Scarfone G, Mascilini F, Gadducci A, Mosconi AM, Scollo P, Cassani C, Pignata S, Ferrandina G.
Management of bilateral malignant ovarian germ cell tumors: a MITO-9 retrospective study.
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2015 Feb;25(2):203-7.
Sigismondi C, Scollo P, Ferrandina G, Candiani M, Angioli R, Viganò R, Scarfone G, Mangili G.

