Transplant Medicine

As a leader in advanced healthcare, Gruppo San Donato offers cutting-edge solutions for complex medical conditions, particularly in the field of transplant medicine.

As a reference center Ospedale San Raffaele (in particular Internal Medicine and Transplantation Department) specializes in offering advanced solutions for patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic nephropathy, which are associated with organ failure (endocrine pancreas, kidney).

To a patient with diabetes, based on his / her characteristics, the Department can offer specific and highly specialized treatments according to national and international guidelines, such as transplantation of isolated pancreatic (Langerhans) islets or after kidney transplantation, pancreas transplant, or simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantation.

In the patient with end-stage renal insufficiency, physicians perform only kidney transplantation from a cadaveric donor (standard, with extended criteria, double kidney, in brain death, in cardiac death) and from a living donor (standard, ABO incompatible, cross over modality, DECK).

The transplant activity is naturally associated with outpatient and inpatient management of the post-transplant follow-up (monitoring of the graft function, complications).

Main conditions treated

Our excellence in numbers


solid organ transplants performed


carried out simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplants


pancreatic islet transplants performed

We reach the highest goals for you

The Transplant Medicine area is committed to clinical, research, and education essential activits to be able to offer patients advanced and innovative treatments, continuously working at delivery of the highest standards of care.

IRCCS for Molecular Medicine

Ospedale San Raffaele

IRCCS for Molecular Medicine

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Ospedale San Raffaele

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015


Do you need an appointment?

Contact us and we will take care of you.

Where do we treat it?

At GSD Group, you can find this specialty at these departments: