Francesco Verde



Dr. Francesco Verde is the head of the Department of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Prosthetic Surgery of Hip and Knee at Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan, Italy.

After graduating cum laude from the University of Naples in 1996, he specialized with honors in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Second University of Naples in 2001.

With many years of established experience in knee and hip prosthetic surgery, he has about 4,000 cases including primary joint reconstructions and hip and knee revisions to his credit, including:

  • monocompartmental medial, lateral, and isolated mono- or bilateral simultaneous and mono- or bilateral patellofemoral knee prostheses;
  • bicompartmental (mono medial or lateral and patellofemoral) mono or bilateral simultaneous knee prostheses;
  • simultaneous mono- or bilateral bimonocompartimental knee prostheses;
  • total knee prostheses with preservation of both cruciates;
  • simultaneous mono- or bilateral CR or PS Total knee prostheses;
  • septic or aseptic knee revisions;
  • simultaneous mono- or bilateral minimally invasive total hip replacements;
  • revisions of septic or aseptic total hip prostheses;
  • combined implants of simultaneous total hip and knee prostheses

He has more than 500 knee arthroscopies and more than 300 ACL reconstructions to his credit.

Since 2018, he has been a member of the Orthopea Board of Directors. Since 2020, he has been chair of the Workgroup for Single-Part Prosthetics of SIAGASCOT.

He is the author of numerous scientific publications and book chapters. He participates as a speaker in numbers of industry conferences.






Die unicondilare Schlittenprothese – (Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty)
Chapters: “Biomechanik und Arthrose” ,“Pro/Contra”, Bi-Unikondylare Schlittenprothese”. Buckup (Ed) 2002
S.Romagnoli, F.Verde
“Basic science and Clinical Repair of Articular Cartilage Defects: Current Status and Prospects”. Chapters: “Unispacer”, “Bi-Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. results, complications and updates”.
Timeo Editore.
S. Romagnoli, F. Verde
10 year minimum follow-up of medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty with the allegretto prosthesis
JBJS-BR, Vol 88-B, Issue SUPP_I, 100. 2006
Romagnoli S., Verde F., Eberle R.W.
La protesi Femoro-rotulea
Archivio di Ortopedia e Reumatologia, vol 116 n°4 12-14 ; 2006.
Romagnoli S., Verde F., D’Amario F., Castelnuovo N.
10-year follow-up of Lateral Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty with the Allegretto
Poster Presentation (P205), AAOS 2008, San Francisco
Romagnoli S, Verde F, Eberle RW:
La Bimono: G.I.O.T. 2008
34 (suppl. 1).
Romagnoli S, Verde F, Bibbiani E, Castelnuovo N:
La protesi Femoro-rotulea: a che punto siamo?
Archivio di Ortopedia e Reumatologia, vol 119 n°1 29-30 ; 2008.
Romagnoli S., Verde F., Bibbiani E., Castelnuovo N., Gioni N.
Bi-Unicompartmental Knee Prostheses
Minimally Invasive Surgery in Orthopaedics, ed. By Springer 2010
Romagnoli S., Verde F., etc.
Stelo corto: accesso MIS posteriore vs antero-laterale
Minerva Ortopedica e traumatologica: vol.59, Suppl. 1, n°5, Ottobre 2008
Romagnoli S., Verde F., Bibbiani E., Castelnuovo N.,
Protesi Femoro-Rotulea isolate e mono + FR
Minerva Ortopedica e traumatologica: vol.59, Suppl. 1, n°5, Ottobre 2008
Romagnoli S., Verde F., Bibbiani E., Castelnuovo N.,
“Le protesi “mono” in esiti di frattura” e “La protesi monocompartimentale con ricostruzione del LCA”: La protesi monocompartimentale del ginocchio
2011 ed. CIC
S.Romagnoli, F.Verde et al. Capitoli
Le Protesi di Ginocchio; 2011 ed. CIC edizioni internazionali
Capitolo: “Le protesi sesso specifiche”.
S.Romagnoli, F. Verde et al.
The problem of UKR revision
JBJS Br 2008, vol. 90-B. Supp. I 182.
S.Romagnoli, F. Verde et al
Small Implants in Knee reconstruction
Springer editore, 2012. Capitoli: “Lateral Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: Long-Term survival study”. “ The Biunicompartmental Knee Prosthesis”, “Bicompartmental Prosthesis”, “Revision of Smalla Implants”.
S. romagnoli, F. Verde et al.:
Simultaneous bilateral total hip arthroplasties do not lead to higher complication or allogeneic transfusion rates compared to unilateral procedures
Int Orthop. 2013 Jul 24.
Romagnoli S, Zacchetti S, Perazzo P, Verde F, Banfi G, Viganò M.

