他以作者身份编写了多个教科书章节,并在国际期刊上发表了多篇科研论文,同时为theEuropean Respiratory Journal、Journal of Applied Physiology、American Journal of Respiratory和Critical Care等行业期刊提供一次性审稿服务。
Impairment of endothelium-dependent pulmonary-artery relaxation in chronic obstructive lung disease.
New England Journal of Medicine 324, 1539-1547
dinh-xuan, a. t., higenbottam, t. w., clelland, c. a., pepke-zaba, j., cremona, g., butt, a. y., large, s. r., wells, f. c. & wallwork, j.
Effects of inhibitors of nitric oxide release and action on vascular tone in isolated lungs of pig, sheep, dog and man.
Journal of Physiology (London) 481.1, 185-195.
cremona, g., wood, a. m., hall, l. w., bower, e. a. & higenbottam, t. w.
The role of prostacyclin in the treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension.
American Journal of Cardiology (suppl) 74, 1C-7C.
cremona, g. & higenbottam, t.
Exhaled nitric oxide in isolated pig lungs.
Journal of Applied Physiology 78, 59-63.
cremona, g., higenbottam, t., takao, m., hall, l. w. & bower, e. a.
Elevated exhaled nitric oxide in patients with hepatopulmonary syndrome.
European Respiratory Journal 8, 1883-1885.
cremona, g., higenbottam, t. w., mayoral, v., alexander, g., demoncheaux, e., borland, c., roe, p. & jones, g. j.
Nature and site of action of endogenous nitric oxide in the vasculature of isolated pig lungs
Journal of Applied Physiology 82, 23-31
cremona, g., higenbottam, t., takao, m., bower, e. a. & hall, l. w.
Treatment of pulmonary hypertension with the continuous infusion of a prostacyclin analogue, iloprost.
Heart. 79(2):175-9.
higenbottam tw. butt ay. dinh-xuan at. takao m. cremona g. and akamine s.
Minimizing the Inhaled Dose of NO With Breath-by-Breath Delivery of Spikes of Concentrated Gas.
Circulation 98: 2429-2432.
katayama, y., higenbottam, t., cremona, g., akamine, s., demoncheaux, e.a.g., smith, a.p.l. and siddons, t.e.
High-dose heparin impairs nitric oxide pathway and vasomotion in rats.
Circulation 99: 2861-2863.
bachetti, t., pasini, e., clini, e. cremona, g. and ferrari, r.
Hemodynamic effects of basal and stimulated release of endogenous nitric oxide in isolated human lungs.
Circulation 100:1316-1321.
cremona, g., higenbottam, t., bower, e.a. wood, a.m. and stewart, s.
Production of endogenous nitric oxide in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and patients with cor pulmonale. Correlates with echo-doppler assessment.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 162(2 Pt 1):446-50.
clini e, cremona g, campana m, scotti c, pagani m, bianchi l, giordano a, ambrosino n.
Pulmonary extravascular fluid accumulation in recreational climbers.
Lancet. 359:303-9.
cremona g, asnaghi r, baderna p, brunetto b, brutsaert t, cavallaro c, clark tm, cogo a, donis r, lanfranchi p, luks a, novello n, panzetta s, perini l, putnam m, spagnolatti l, wagner h and wagner p
Alveolar derived exhaled nitric oxide is reduced in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome.
Chest. 2007 Jul 23.1.
foresi a, leone c, olivieri d, cremona g.
Localized organizing pneumonia: report of 21 cases.
Ann Thorac Surg. 2007 Jun;83(6):1946-51.
melloni g, cremona g, bandiera a, arrigoni g, rizzo n, varagona r, muriana g, carretta a, ciriaco p, canneto b, zannini p.
Mechanisms of gas exchange response to lung volume reduction surgery in severe emphysema (2011)
Journal of Applied Physiology, 110 (4), pp. 1036-1045.
cremona, g., barbara, j.a., melgosa, t., appendini, l., roca, j., casadio, c., donner, c.f., rodriguez-roisin, r., wagner, p.d.
Are atopy and eosinophilic bronchial inflammation associated with relapsing forms of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps?
Clin Mol Allergy. 2015 Sep11;13(1):23
yacoub mr, trimarchi m, cremona g, dal farra s, ramirez ga, canti v, della torre e, baldini m, pignatti p, bussi m, sabbadini mg, manfredi aa, colombo g.