Marco Iera



Dr. Marco Iera is a plastic surgeon at the Breast Surgery and Senology Unit of IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan.

He graduated in Medicine and Surgery with honors from the University of Perugia, where he also specialized in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Dr. Iera has collaborated with the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, where he won research grants for projects on "Use of Biological Materials in Post-Mastectomy Breast Reconstruction" and a randomized trial comparing Veritas™, Protexa™, and muscular pocket techniques in immediate breast reconstruction with definitive implants after mastectomy for breast cancer.

He has gained extensive experience in reconstructive and oncoplastic breast surgery, serving as a reference at the same IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele - Breast Unit, led by Dr. Oreste Gentilini.

Throughout his career, Dr. Iera has performed over 2,000 surgeries as a first assistant and primary surgeon. His practice covers various specialized areas, including:

  • Demolitive and reconstructive breast surgery using autologous tissues and prosthetic devices
  • Aesthetic breast surgery (breast augmentation, breast reduction, mastopexy)
  • Aesthetic facial and body surgery (blepharoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction and liposculpture, lipofilling for depressions and post-surgical scars)
  • Oncological skin surgery, melanoma, and associated diagnostic methods (sentinel lymph node)
  • Reconstructive surgery of the thoracic and abdominal walls
  • Trauma surgery of the upper and lower limbs
  • Aesthetic medicine (fillers, botulinum toxin, biorevitalizers, mesotherapy)





VARIOSCOPE M-5: a new type of magnification system in perforators free-flap surgery
European Surgical Research 2008: 40: 61-183 - Atti XX Congresso Nazionale Società Polispecialistica Italiana Giovani Chirurghi S.P.I.G.C. – Napoli, 08-10 Novembre 2007.
Chiummariello S., Monarca C., Domatsoglou A., Iera M., Alfano C., Scuderi N.:
Postoperative Nipple-Areola Complex Monitoring: The “Trapdoor” dressing
Aesthetic Plast Surg 2008 Sep; 32(5): 823-4 EPub 2008 Jul 2.
Figus A., Chiummariello S., Iera M., Alfano C.:
The use of pectoralis major myocutaneous flap as “salvage procedure” following intraoral and oropharyngeal cancer excision
Eur Surg Res 2008; 41: 59-196 – Atti XXI Congresso Nazionale Società Polispecialistica Italiana Giovani Chirurghi S.P.I.G.C. – Perugia, 15-18 Giugno 2008.
Iera M., Chiummariello S., Figus A.:
Coverage of soft tissue defects of the knee with the gastrocnemius and hemisoleus pedicle muscle flap
Eur Surg Res 2009; 43: 77-197 - Atti XXII Congresso Nazionale Società Polispecialistica Italiana Giovani Chirurghi S.P.I.G.C. – I Congresso f the European Society of Young Surgeons E.S.Y.S. - Roma, 18-20 Giugno 2009.
Domatsoglou A., Chiummariello S., Iera M., Alfano C.:
The use of Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap as “salvage procedure” following intraoral and oropharyngeal cancer excision
G.Chir. 2010 Apr;31(4): 191-6.
Chiummariello S., Iera M., Domatsoglou A., Alfano C.:
L-Specular Plasty Versus Double-Round Plasty: Two New Techniques for Earlobe Split Repair.
Aesthetic Plast Surg 2010 Oct 7.
Chiummariello S., Iera M., Arleo S., Alfano C.:
Il lembo neuro-cutaneo surale a base distale nella ricostruzione dell’ arto inferiore: nostra esperienza
G. Chir. 2011 Mar;32(3):146-9.
Chiummariello S., Iera M., Maffia R., Alfano C.:
Experience with the Becker-35 expandable implants in reconstructive breast surgery
Atti XXIII Congresso Nazionale Società Polispecialistica Italiana Giovani Chirurghi S.P.I.G.C- Forlì 20-23 Giugno 2010.
Iera M., Chiummariello S., Pataia E., Arleo S., Maffia R., Ceccolini V., Alfano C.:
Multiple vascular malformations: case report
Atti XXIII Congresso Nazionale Società Polispecialistica Italiana Giovani Chirurghi S.P.I.G.C- Forlì 20-23 Giugno 2010.
Chiummariello S., Iera M., Maffia R., Arleo S., Calzoni C.
Complex lower limb injuries: reconstructive strategies selection
Atti XXIII Congresso Nazionale Società Polispecialistica Italiana Giovani Chirurghi S.P.I.G.C- Forlì 20-23 Giugno 2010.
Pataia E.,Iera M.,Maffia R., Ceccolini V, Langella V.
Skin reducing mastectomy e ricostruzione immediata con protesi/espansore Becker 35 contour profile: Nostra esperienza
Minerva Chirurgica 2012 Febbraio;67(1):59-6.
Chiummariello S., Arleo S., Pataia E., Iera M., Alfano C.
Risk of Locoregional Recurrence in Patients with False-Negative Frozen Section or Close Margins of Retroareolar Specimen in Nipple-Sparing-Mastectomy
Annals of Surgical Oncology July, 2012.
Cassilha M., Lohsiriwat V., Curigliano G., Brollo J., Botteri E., Rotmensz N., Martella S., Mastropasqua G., Iera M., Brussius M., Intra M., Orecchia R., Rey P., Rietjens M., Petit JY.

