Pietro Panizza



自2015年10月以来,Pietro Panizza医生一直是米兰IRCCS圣拉斐尔科学研究医院乳腺疾病放射科的负责人。他還與 Casa di Cura La Madonnina 診所合作。

1981年,他毕业于米兰大学医学院,又在该校获得诊断放射学和放射疗法以及胃肠病学和消化内镜学的专业学位。1982年,他的职业生涯始于科莫的Ospedale Sant’Anna医院,一开始是以诊断放射学专家的身份入职,随后成为Ospedale Carate Brianza医院、Erba(CO)的Ospedale Fatebenefratelli医院的放射科助理医师,1985年,他加入了米兰的圣拉斐尔科学研究医院,1990年至2011年成为放射科诊断放射学职能部门的负责人。2011年,他成为米兰国家肿瘤研究所诊断放射学综合性科室的主任,任期持续至2015年9月。

2001年至2015年,他与米兰的多所大学建立了合约关系,以教授的身份入职:圣拉斐尔生命健康大学、米兰比可卡大学和米兰国立大学,并担任医学课程和诊断放射学专业学位讲师。同时,他也是多个乳腺MRI课程的讲师:Erasmus和EUSOBI(欧洲乳腺成像学会)。2010年至2014年,当选为SIRM(意大利医学和介入放射学学会)乳腺病区主席。自2015年以来,他一直是EUSOBI(从2018年起担任财务主管)和ESO(欧洲肿瘤学院)核心学院执行委员会的成员。他是Europa Donna Italia、aBRCAdaBRA和Mamazone(处理乳腺癌相关问题的协会)科学委员会的成员。



医学学位 - 1981年

诊断放射学专业学位 - 1985年






Sentinel node biopsy after primary systemic therapy in node positive breast cancer patients: Time trend, imaging staging power and nodal downstaging according to molecular subtype
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2019 - Article in Press
Di Micco R., Zuber V., Fiacco E., Carriero F., Gattuso MI., Nazzaro L., Panizza P., Gianolli L., Canevari C., Di Muzio N., Pasetti M., Sassi I., Zambetti M., Gentilini OD.
Breast ultrasound: recommendations for information to women and referring physicians by the European Society of Breast Imaging
Insights into Imaging - 2018 - 9(4)/pp 449-461
Evans A., Trimboli RM., Athanasiou A., Balleyguier C., Baltzer PA., Bick U., Camps Herrero J., Clauser P., Colin C., Cornford E., Fallenberg EM., Fuchsjaeger MH., Gilbert FJ., Helbich TH., Kinkel K., Heywang-Köbrunner SH., Kuhl CK., Mann RM., Martincich L., Panizza P., Pediconi F., Pijnappel RM., Pinker K., Zackrisson S., Forrai G., Sardanelli F.
Prediction of Chemoresistance in Women Undergoing Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer: Volumetric Analysis of First-Order Textural Features Extracted from Multiparametric MRI
Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging - 2018 - 8329041
M. M. Panzeri, corresponding author C. Losio, A. Della Corte, E. Venturini, A. Ambrosi, P. Panizza, and F. De Cobelli
Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT): recommendations from the Italian College of Breast Radiologists (ICBR) by the Italian Society of Medical Radiology (SIRM) and the Italian Group for Mammography Screening (GISMa).
Radiologia Medica - 2017 - 122(10)/ 723-730
Bernardi D., Belli P., Benelli E., Brancato B., Bucchi L., Calabrese M., Carbonaro LA., Caumo F., Cavallo-Marincola B., Clauser P., Fedato C., Frigerio A., Galli V., Giordano L., Giorgi Rossi P., Golinelli P., Morrone D., Mariscotti G., Martincich L., Montemezzi S., Naldoni C., Paduos A., Panizza P., Pediconi F., Querci F., Rizzo A., Saguatti G., Tagliafico A., Trimboli R., Zappa M., Zuiani C., Sa
Recommendations for breast imaging follow-up of women with a previous history of breast cancer: position paper from the Italian Group for Mammography Screening (GISMa) and the Italian College of Breast Radiologists (ICBR) by SIRM
Radiologia Medica - 2016 - 121(12)/ 891-896
Bucchi L, Belli P, Benelli E, Bernardi D, Brancato B, Calabrese M, Carbonaro LA, Caumo F, Cavallo-Marincola B, Clauser P, Fedato C, Frigerio A, Galli V, Giordano L, Golinelli P, Mariscotti G, Martincich L, Montemezzi S, Morrone D, Naldoni C, Paduos A, Panizza P, Pediconi F, Querci F, Rizzo A, Saguatti G, Tagliafico A, Trimboli RM, Zuiani C, Sardanelli F.
Mammography and MRI for screening women who underwent chest radiation therapy (lymphoma survivors): recommendations for surveillance from the Italian College of Breast Radiologists by SIRM
Radiologia Medica - 2016 - 121(11)/ 834-837
Mariscotti G., Belli P., Bernardi D., Brancato B., Calabrese M., Carbonaro LA., Cavallo-Marincola B., Caumo F., Clauser P., Martinchich L., Montemezzi S., Panizza P., Pediconi F., Tagliafico A., Trimboli R., Zuiani C., Sardanelli F.
Performance and role of the breast lesion excision system (BLES) in small clusters of suspicious microcalcifications
European Journal of Radiology - European Journal of Radiology - 2016 - 85(1)/ 143-149
European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI), with language review by Europa Donna–The European Breast Cancer Coalition.
European Radiology - 2015 - 25(12)/ 3669-3678
Mann RM, Balleyguier C., Baltzer PA., Bick U., Colin C., Cornford E., Evans A., Fallenberg E., Forrai G., Fuchsjäger MH., Gilbert FJ., Helbich TH., Heywang-Köbrunner SH., Camps-Herrero J., Kuhl CK., Martincich L., Pediconi F., Panizza P., Pina LJ., Pijnappel RM., Pinker-Domenig K., Skaane P., Sardanelli F.;
Breast foreign body extraction using the breast lesion excision system
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology - 2015 - 26(8)/1183
Scaperrotta GP., Capalbo E., Cartia F., Ferranti C., Vigano S., Panizza P.

