Rosa Di Micco



Rosa Di Micco是IRCCS圣拉斐尔科学研究医院外科的乳腺病医生,在Oreste Davide Gentilini医生的指导下开展工作。

2010年从那不勒斯腓特烈二世大学医学院毕业后,2017年在同一所大学获得普通外科专业学位。同样在2017年,她在巴塞罗那自治大学重建显微外科欧洲学校(RMES)获得肿瘤、重建和美容乳腺外科的欧洲二级硕士学位(MRBS)。最后,Di Micco医生为她在那不勒斯Federico II大学关于先进生物医学和手术治疗方法的博士论文进行了答辩。

从临床角度来看,Di Micco医生从事良性和恶性乳腺疾病的手术治疗,进行初步诊断访视,对已经接受治疗的患者进行随访,控制基因突变增加乳腺癌风险的患者,以及接受筛查的患者。

Di Micco医生的手术活动主要致力于乳腺癌的治疗和高遗传风险患者的风险降低。Di Micco医生与其同事(整形外科医生)合作进行保守干预(四分区象限切除术、部分乳房切除术、肿瘤切除术)和更根治性干预(全乳房切除术、保留皮肤的乳房切除术、乳头保留和皮肤缩小术)。

关于研究活动,Di Micco医生特别关注以下领域:保守和肿瘤乳腺手术、新辅助化疗后的乳腺和腋窝手术、前哨淋巴结活检、使用胸肌前假体进行乳房切除术后的乳房再造、PET-MRI在乳腺癌治疗中的作用。






Bilateral mammoplasty for cancer: Surgical, oncological and patient-reported outcomes
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017 Jan;43(1):68-75.
Di Micco R, O'Connell RL, Barry PA, Roche N, MacNeill FA, Rusby JE.
Standard Wide Local Excision or Bilateral Reduction Mammoplasty in large-breasted women with small tumours: surgical and patientreported outcomes
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017 Apr;43(4):636-641.
Di Micco R, O'Connell RL, Barry PA, Roche N, MacNeill FA, Rusby JE.
Initial experience of the BREAST-Q breast-conserving therapy module
Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Nov;160(1):79-89
O'Connell RL, DiMicco R, Khabra K, O'Flynn EA, deSouza N, Roche N, Barry PA, Kirby AM, Rusby JE.
The potential role of three-dimensional surface imaging as a tool to evaluate aesthetic outcome. Breast Cancer Res
Treat Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2017, Jul; 164(2):385
O’Connell RL, Di Micco R, Khabra K, Wolf L, deSouza N, Roche N, Barry PA, Kirby AM.
Comparison of immediate versus delayed deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flap reconstruction in women who require postmastectomy radiotherapy.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018 Sep;142(3):594-605
O’Connell RL, Di Micco R, Khabra K, Kirby AM, Harris PA, James SE, Power K, Ramsey KWD, Rusby JE.
The role of MRI in predicting ki67 in breast cancer: preliminary results from a prospective study
Tumori. 2018 Dec;104(6):438-443
Caiazzo C.* - Di Micco R.*, Esposito E., Sollazzo V. Cervotti M., Varelli C, Limite G, Forestieri P.
Short-term safety outcomes of mastectomy and immediate implant-based breast reconstruction with and without mesh (iBRA): a multicentre, prospective cohort study
Lancet Oncol. 2019 Feb;20(2):254-266.
Potter S, Conroy EJ, Cutress RI, Williamson PR, Whisker L, Thrush S, Skillman J, Barnes NLP, Mylvaganam S, Teasdale E, Jain A, Gardiner MD, Blazeby JM, Holcombe C; iBRA Steering Group; Breast Reconstruction Research Collaborative.
Aesthetic Breast Surgery Under Cold Tumescent Anesthesia: Feasibility and Safety in Outpatient Clinic.
Ann Plast Surg. 2019 Oct;83(4):384-387.
Ceccarino R - Di Micco R*, Cappelletti R.
Sentinel node biopsy after primary systemic therapy in node positive breast cancer patients: time trend, imaging staging power and nodal downstaging according to molecular subtype.
Eur J Surg Oncol 31 Jan 2019
Di Micco R, Zuber V, Fiacco E, Carriero F, Gattuso MI, Nazzaro L, Panizza P, Gianolli L, Canevari C, Di Muzio N, Pasetti M, Sassi I, Zambetti M, Gentilini OD.
Sentinel node biopsy in early breast cancer. A review on recent and ongoing randomized trials
Breast. 2017 Aug 27;36:14-19
Esposito E, Di Micco R, Gentilini OD.
Breast Reconstruction Research Collaborative. The impact of immediate breast reconstruction on the time to delivery of adjuvant therapy: the iBRA-2 study
Br J Cancer. 2019 Apr;120(9):883-895
11.O'Connell RL, Rattay T, Dave RV, Trickey A, Skillman J, Barnes NLP, Gardiner M, Harnett A, Potter S, Holcombe C; iBRA-2 Steering Group;
Rare sites of breast cancer metastasis: a review.
Transl Cancer Res 2019 |
Di Micco R, Santurro L, Gasparri ML, Zuber V, Fiacco E, Gazzetta G, Smart CE, Valentini A, Gentilini OD.
Nipple-Sparing Goldilocks Mastectomy for Breast Cancer in Elderly: A Case Report
Clin Surg. 2019; 4: 2556
Di Micco R, Zuber V, Maggi G, Fiacco E, Gasparri ML, Gazzetta G, Gentilini OD.
Multicentre prospective observational study evaluating recommendations for mastectomy by multidisciplinary teams
Br J Surg. 2020 Feb;107(3):227-237
Mastectomy Decisions Audit (MasDA) Collaborative, on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative.
Therapeutic mammaplasty is a safe and effective alternative to mastectomy with or without immediate breast reconstruction
Br J Surg. 2020 Feb 19
Potter S, Trickey A, Rattay T, O'Connell RL, Dave R, Baker E, Whisker L, Skillman J, Gardiner MD, Macmillan RD, Holcombe C; TeaM and iBRA-2 Steering Groups, the Breast Reconstruction Research Collaborative, and the Mammary Fold Academic and Research Collaborative.

