Tecar therapy and its benefits

出版日期: 28-03-2024
更新日期: 29-03-2024
预计阅读时间: 1 分钟
Tecar therapy, or Capacitive and Resistive Energy Transfer, is being increasingly used in the field of rehabilitation, and more recently in the treatment of skin defects. This type of physiotherapy can accelerate the reparative and anti-inflammatory response of tissues, speeding up recovery after injury or in cases of chronic musculoskeletal pain.
However, how does it work? And in which cases in particular can it be recommended? We asked Dr. Simona Simone, physiotherapist coordinating the rehabilitation area of Palazzo della Salute.
How tecar therapy works
Tecar therapy is a form of thermotherapy (i.e., 'heat-based therapy') that is so-called endogenous (i.e., originating internally).
"Unlike other physical therapies, such as, for example, laser, infrared, and ultrasound, which emit heat from the outside, tecar therapy, by exploiting a high-frequency alternating current, is able to generate more or less intense heat energy inside biological tissues.
From a biological point of view, it makes the plasma membrane of cells permeable, stimulating intra- and extracellular exchanges - Dr. Simone explains. - The consequence of this reaction, called diathermy, is:
- enhancement of metabolic and proliferative processes;
- activation of arteriovenous and lymphatic circulation;
- intensification of microcirculation;
- enhanced vasodilation
- improved oxygenation;
- neo collagenesis (collagen formation).
In other words, tecar therapy favors early activation of reparative physiological mechanisms and thus a faster and more efficient resut, especially when combined with manual physiotherapy."
The effects and benefits of tecar therapy
In regard to the above, tecar therapy can offer numerous effects and benefits, including:
- reduction of pain;
- reduction of inflammation of muscles and tendons;
- improvement of muscle contractures and joint stiffness;
- increased elasticity of connective tissue;
- increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients to damaged tissues and faster elimination of waste products;
- faster absorption of hematomas and edema (i.e., swelling) both post-traumatic and post-surgical.
Areas of use
One of the first and main areas of use of tecar therapy is in sports, in response to musculoskeletal injuries or overloads. "When combined with immediate treatment, tecar therapy helps to reduce the severity of the injury and allows a quicker return to physical activity," the expert emphasizes.
In addition, it is effective in cases of:
- arthrosis;
- arthritis;
- fibromyalgia;
- cervicalgia;
- lumbago;
- sciatica;
- elbow epicondylitis;
- rheumatoid polyarthritis.
Furthermore, tecar therapy increasingly is being used to help counter cellulite problems and as an anti-aging agent on the face, neck, and decollete.
Tecar therapy of the latest generation
With the latest generation of tools, such as the one available at Palazzo della Salute, the benefits can be further enhanced.
"New technologies make it possible to transform tecartherapy into a dynamic therapy:
- for the operator who can use a variety of accessories depending on the pathology;
- for the patient who is no longer bound to the couch in a static manner, but becomes active, even performing exercises during the session.
This allows for even faster recovery times.
In addition, the latest generation of machines possess multifrequency, combining TECAR, Hi-TENS and Hi-EMS currents in a single electrode, which allows to opt for a wider range of action, taking advantage of all electrotherapy currents (high, medium and low frequency). This amplifies the results and can act on all types of tissues," Dr. Simone concludes.