Antonio Serafin



Professor Antonio Serafin is the head of Podiatry Services of the IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi in Milan (since 2000) and Associate Professor of Podiatry, Head of the academic part and coordinator of the internship course in podiatry at the University of Milan.

After receiving a diploma in orthopedics at the Ospedale Santa Maria del Pozzo in Naples, he transferred to the University of Genoa, where he graduated from the Faculty of Podology in 2006 and received a master's degree in Management in Health Professions (2008).

He is engaged in podology, in particular, in relation to the treatment of diabetic foot, biomechanics, orthopedics of soles and nail correction. At the IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, he is responsible for research in the field of identification and production of postoperative shoes, onychometry systems and nail correction, as well as for the evaluation of a new drug for the reduction and treatment of fungal onychogrifosis. Together with Prof. R. Weinstein was responsible for the posture study and dental class. Since 2007, he has been a lecturer in podology and biomechanics at the Higher Medical and Technical School of Lugano (CH).

Prof. Antonio Serafin works closely with academic circles. He regularly attends an internship in podology at the University of Barcelona (Spain) and a seminars on advanced biomechanics at the John H. Weed Foundation in Los Angeles, California (USA). In Italy, he taught podiatry as part of a practical internship at the Tor Vergata University of Rome.

He is Vice-President of the Italian Association of Podologists Mercurio, co-founder and president of the National Federation of Professional Colleges for Podologists. He participates in international scientific seminars and conferences, publishing conference materials and articles in such journals as Minerva Ortopedica, Rivista di Podologia, Revista Espanola de Podologia, Laser Therapy and Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology. His works are devoted to podiatry topics with a special emphasis on the treatment of diabetic foot.

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Osp S. M. D. P. - U. S. L. 46 Naples
Orthopedic Diploma - 1992

University of Genoa
Bachelor's Degree in Podiatry - 2006

University of Genoa
Master of the 1st level in management of professions in the field of healthcare Cl. 2° - 2008

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Latest publications

Studio osservazionale di un farmaco per onicogrifosi
Riv spec. A Piede Libero n.2, 2010
A. Serafin, P. di Pierno
Biomeccanica dell’articolazione sottoastragalica
Riv spec. A Piede Libero n.4, 2009
A. Serafin, A. Preda
Lower limb postural screening in healthy high school students
Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 2006
M. Turci, A. Serafin, GP Grassi
Standing hindfoot alignement in healthy adolescents
Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 2006
M. Turci, GP Grassi, A. Serafin
Il Piede Piatto (capitolo su rilevamento strumentale)
Ed. Timeo, 2005
A. Serafin
Active Range of Motion of the Ankle: a pilot 3D study
V.F. Ferrario, G.P. Grassi, F. Malerba, A. Serafin
Approccio Podologico al trattamento delle ulcere ischemiche
Laser Therapy - giugno, 1999
A. Serafin
Sindromi pronatorie: normalità e patologia
Atti Conv. Naz. Podologia, 1998
A. Serafin, F. De Marchi
Dal Big Bang ai giorni nostri-evoluzione della stazione eretta
Atti Conv. Naz. Podologia, 1996
A. Serafin

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