Paola Ciriaco

Thoracic surgeon


Dr. Paola Ciriaco, Thoracic Surgeon, is the Head of the Functional Department of Pediatric Thoracic Surgery in the Department of Operative Thoracic Surgery of the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan under the supervision of Professor Giulia Veronesi.

After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in 1988, she received a specialization in thoracic surgery in 1993 at Sapienza University in Rome, received a doctorate in Cardiothoracic Surgical Pathophysiology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in 2000. During the period of obtaining his specialty, he complements his studies with periodic work abroad in the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Brompton Hospital and Middlesex Hospital in London, as well as at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

After receiving her specialty, she completed an internship abroad in the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Marmara University, Pendik Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, and in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she studied surgical methods for the treatment of chest malformations and lung transplantation. She is a member of the North Carolina Medical Council and the European Council of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons.

Dr. Ciriaco's clinical activity is related to general thoracic surgery, including minimally invasive lung cancer surgery.

She has performed more than 900 thoracic surgeries as the first surgeon on the lungs, pleura, diaphragm, mediastinum, trachea and chest using open and minimally invasive methods (VATS).

Paola Ciriaco also deals with surgical treatment of malformations of the chest (funnel-shaped chest, keeled chest), congenital and acquired pathology at an early age (pneumothorax, bronchogenic cyst, lung sequestration), surgical treatment of thoracic endometriosis (catamenial pneumothorax, thoracic endometriosis syndrome TES). She also performed more than 1,200 flexible, rigid, diagnostic and operative bronchoscopies, which include endobronchial ultrasound biopsy (EBUS TBNA), the use of an electromagnetic navigation system and the installation of tracheobronchial prostheses.

The research activity includes new interdisciplinary protocols for the treatment of lung cancer and the treatment of thoracic endometriosis syndrome.

She is the author of more than 100 publications, including articles in indexed journals and book chapters, and actively participates in national and international industry congresses. He is a member of the Italian Society of Thoracic Surgery (SICT), the Italian Society of Thoracic Endoscopy (SIET), the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and a columnist for important journals in this sector.

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University of Rome – Sapienza
Specialization in Thoracic Surgery - 1983

University of Rome – Sapienza
Degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery - 1988

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Candidate of Medical Sciences in Cardiothoracic Surgical Pathophysiology - 2000

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Latest publications

Laryngo-tracheal stenosis in a woman with ablepharon macrostomia syndrome.
BMC Pulm Med 2019;19:163
Ciriaco P, Carretta A, Negri G
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Spontaneous pneumothorax in cocaine users
QJM. 2019; Mar 21:1-4
Ciriaco P, Rossetti F, Carretta A, Sant'Angelo M, Arrigoni G, Negri G
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Safety and Early Oncologic Outcomes of Lung Resection in Patients with Isolated Pulmonary Recurrent Prostate Cancer: A Single-center Experience.
Eur Urol. 2019;75:871–874
Ciriaco P, Briganti A, Bernabei A, Gandaglia G, Carretta A, Viola C, Montorsi F, Negri G.
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Letter regarding: Clinical and pathological characteristics of spontaneous pneumothorax in women: a 25-year single-institutional experience.
Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2019; 67(4), 372-373.
Ciriaco P.
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Tracheobronchial Foreign Body in Small Children: The Combination of Flexible Bronchoscopy and the Urology Stone Retrieval Basket.
Arch Bronconeumol. 2019;55(3):174-175
Ciriaco P, Negri G.
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Video-assisted thoracoscopic treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax in older children and adolescents.
P. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2016;51(7):713-716
Ciriaco P, Muriana P, Bandiera A, Carretta A, Melloni G, Negri G, Fiori R, Zannini
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Pulmonary nodules and mini-invasive lung resection: do we have the right "tool" for their intraoperative localization?
J Thorac Dis. 2017 Nov;9(11):4216-4218.
Ciriaco P, Muriana P, Negri G.
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Early surgical repair of isolated traumatic sternal fractures using a cervical plate system.
J Trauma 2009;66:462-464
Ciriaco P, Casiraghi M, Negri G, Gioia G, Carretta A, Melloni G, Zannini P
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Surgical treatment of catamenial pneumothorax a single centre experience.
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2009;(8):349-352
Ciriaco P. Negri G, Libretti L, Carretta A, Melloni G, Casiraghi M, Bandiera A, Zannini P.
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Early surgical repair of isolated traumatic sternal fractures using a cervical plate system.
J Trauma 2009;66:462-464
Ciriaco P, Casiraghi M, Negri G, Gioia G, Carretta A, Melloni G, Zannini P.
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Videothoracoscopic resection of benign neurogenic tumors of the posterior mediastinum.
Ciriaco P, Negri G, Bandiera A, Casiraghi M, Ferla L, Torracca L, Zannini P
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Pulmonary resection for non-small cell lung cancer in patients on hemodialysis: clinical outcome and long-term results.
World J Surg 2005;12;1-4
Ciriaco P, Casiraghi M, Melloni G, Carretta A, Libretti L, Augello G, Zannini P.
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Video-assisted thoracosocpic surgery for pulmonary nodules: rationale for preoperative computed tomography-guided hookwire localization.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2004;25(3):429-433
Ciriaco P, Negri G, Puglisi A, Nicoletti R, Del Maschio A, Zannini P.
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Lung resection for cancer in patients with coronary arterial disease: analysis of short-term results.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2002;22(1):35-40
Ciriaco P, Carretta A, Calori G, Mazzone P.
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Analysis of referrals for lung transplantation in cystic fibrosis.
Chest 1995;107(5):1323-1327
Ciriaco P, Egan TM, Thompson JT, Cairns E, Detterbeck F, Paradowsky LJ.
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