Magnetic resonance (MRI)
What is it?
Magnetic Resonance uses a static magnetic field and radiofrequencies to show in detail soft tissues of the body. MRI is a non-ionizing imaging scan. MRI can be acquired with or without intravenous contrast agent.
When is this exam indicated?
Main applications and indications include cardiac-MR, oncologic MR specific for breast, liver, prostate, pancreas and gastrointestinal system investigations. Orthopedic magnetic resonance provide the most detailed information for joints, muscles and tendons.
How is it performed?
The patient is placed on a bed that moves inside a circular tunnel-like structure (bore) in which the magnets and the gradient and radiofrequency coils are located. The signal obtained is then processed by a computer that provides images of the district examined. Staff will operate the scanner from the next room with whom you can talk during the exam.You will need to be very still and breathe normally -this ensures that the scan images are not blurred. You may be asked to breathe in, breathe out or hold your breath at certain points. During the scan, you will hear clicking or banging noises which are linked to the changing magnetic field as part of the normal exam process.The length of the exam depends on the district under study. If you suffer from claustrophibia (fear of being in a closed space) you must inform the staff prior to the exam.
You cannot undergo an MRI if you have certain types of pacemakers. If you have: metallic prostheses, artificial heart valves, drug infusion pumps, pacemakers, cochlear implants, intrauterine devices you must inform staff pirior to your exam so they can check if they are compatible . If a contrast agent is administered and you are known to have allegries, you will need to tell staff when you book your exam as they will need to prepare you specifically for the exam. You must refrain from eating for at least 12 hours prior to the exam and can intake liquids, unless otheriwise indicated.
Where do we treat it?
Our Departments
Department of General Medicine, Diabetes, Endocrinology Ospedale San Raffaele
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio
Department of Gyneacology, obstetrics and reproductive medicine Ospedale San Raffaele
Department of Clinical Hepatology Ospedale San Raffaele
Department of Diagnostic imaging Ospedale San Raffaele
Department of Endocrinology Ospedale San Raffaele
Department of Neuroradiology Ospedale San Raffaele
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Ospedale San Raffaele
Department of Sleep medicine Ospedale San Raffaele Turro
Department of Regenerative and Reconstructive Orthopedics Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio
Department of Rheumatology Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio
Department of Neurology and Stroke Unit Policlinico San Donato
Department of Coloproctology and Pelvic Floor Surgery Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Policlinico San Donato
Department of Radiology Policlinico San Donato
Department of Multimodality Cardiac Imaging Policlinico San Donato
Department of Ophthalmology, cornea and ocular surface Ospedale San Raffaele
Department of Shoulder Surgery Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio
Department of Traumatology and ER Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio
Department of Respiratory Medicine Ospedale San Raffaele
Orthoplastic Centre Casa di cura La Madonnina
Department of General Intensive Care Ospedale San Raffaele
Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology Policlinico San Donato
Department of Articular Reconstructive Orthopaedics Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio
Department of Podiatry Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio
Department of Digestive endoscopy and gastroenterological pathophysiology Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio
Department of Robotic Prosthetic Surgery Ospedale San Raffaele
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