Antonio Esposito



Professor Antonio Esposito is the Deputy Scientific Director, Head of the Cardiovascular Imaging Functional Unit within the Radiology Department led by Professor Francesco De Cobelli, and Head of the Radiology Unit for Personalized Medicine at IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele.

After getting the Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele of Milan in 2003, he specialized in Radiology at the same University in 2007, in both cases with honors.

He has a comprehensive background in diagnostic and interventional body radiology, which helps him to perform cardiovascular, emergency/urgent, oncology and musculoskeletal imaging on a daily basis. His interest is focused in particular on cardio-thoracic-vascular and urological pathologies and their study by means of Cardiac MRI, Cardiac and Coronary Angio-CT, Total Body Angio-CT and of the lower and upper limbs, Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the prostate (mpMRI) and "in-bore" MRI-guided prostate biopsy, and more generally by means of Computed Tomography and thoraco-abdominal MR.

Within the IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, he holds the positions of Vice-Director of Experimental Imaging and the head of the Preclinical Imaging Facility of Ospedale San Raffaele Hospital. He is Full Professor of Radiology at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele of Milan.

His research activity involves multiple advanced applications of body MRI and CT in particular in the field of cardiovascular, cellular and prostate imaging.

He is the author and co-author of more than 140 publications in high-impact international scientific journals, as well as the author of several book chapters. The high intensity and impact of the research carried out is documented by the values of H-index and i10-index (H-index source scopus = 30; H-index source Google Scholar = 32; i10-index = 70) particularly high in relation to age and academic. Prof. Antonio Esposito is Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI of several research projects in the field of cardiovascular imaging and prostate cancer imaging, including multicenter projects. He is constantly invited as a speaker to the most important national and international congresses of the sector.

Prof. Antonio Esposito actively contributes to the development and clinical-scientific distribution of achievements in cardiovascular imaging with CT and MRI, for which he was elected President of the Study Section of Cardioradiology of the Italian Society of Medical Radiology (SIRM) for the period of 2021 - 2022.

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Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
Degree in Medicine and Surgery - 2003

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
Specialization in Radiology - 2007

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Latest publications

Cardiac Computed Tomography in Troponin-Positive Chest Pain: Sometimes the Answer Lies in the Late Iodine Enhancement or Extracellular Volume Fraction Map
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2019 Apr;12(4):745-748
Esposito, A., Palmisano, A., Barbera, M., Vignale, D., Benedetti, G., Spoladore, R., Ancona, M.B., Giannini, F., Oppizzi, M., Del Maschio, A., De Cobelli, F.
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Two-dimensional and three-dimensional cardiac magnetic resonance feature-tracking myocardial strain analysis in acute myocarditis patients with preserved ejection fraction
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2019 Jun;35(6):1101-1109
Gatti M, Palmisano A, Faletti R, Benedetti G, Bergamasco L, Bioletto F, Peretto G, Sala S, De Cobelli F, Fonio P, Esposito A.
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Patterns of Regional Myocardial Perfusion Following Coronary Sinus Reducer Implantation
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2019 Sep;12(9):e009148
Giannini F, Palmisano A, Baldetti L, Benedetti G, Ponticelli F, Rancoita PMV, Ruparelia N, Gallone G, Ancona M, Mangieri A, Tzanis G, De Cobelli F, Del Maschio A, Colombo A, Esposito A.
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Assessment of Remote Myocardium Heterogeneity in Patients with Ventricular Tachycardia Using Texture Analysis of Late Iodine Enhancement (LIE) Cardiac Computed Tomography (cCT) Images
Mol Imaging Biol. 2018 Oct;20(5):816-825
Esposito, A., Palmisano, A., Antunes, S., Colantoni, C., Rancoita, P.M.V., Vignale, D., Baratto, F., Della Bella, P., Del Maschio, A., De Cobelli, F.
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IL-23 secreted by myeloid cells drives castration-resistant prostate cancer
Nature. 2018 Jul;559(7714):363-369
Calcinotto, A., Spataro, C., Zagato, E., Di Mitri, D., Gil, V., Crespo, M., De Bernardis, G., Losa, M., Mirenda, M., Pasquini, E., Rinaldi, A., Sumanasuriya, S., Lambros, M.B., Neeb, A., Lucianò, R., Bravi, C.A., Nava-Rodrigues, D., Dolling, D., Prayer-Galetti, T., Ferreira, A., Briganti, A., Esposito, A., Barry, S., Yuan, W., Sharp, A., De Bono, J., Alimonti, A.
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Lights and shadows of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in acute myocarditis
Insights Imaging. 2016 Feb;7(1):99-110
Esposito, A., Francone, M., Faletti, R., Centonze, M., Cademartiri, F., Carbone, I., De Rosa, R., Di Cesare, E., La Grutta, L., Ligabue, G., Lovato, L., Maffei, E., Marano, R., Midiri, M., Pontone, G., Natale, L., De Cobelli, F.
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CMR in the Assessment of Cardiac Masses: Primary Malignant Tumors
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2014 Oct;7(10):1057-61
Esposito, A., De Cobelli, F., Ironi, G., Marra, P., Canu, T., Mellone, R., Del Maschio, A.
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CMR in assessment of cardiac masses: Primary benign tumors
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2014 Jul;7(7):733-6
Esposito, A., De Cobelli, F., Ironi, G., Marra, P., Canu, T., Mellone, R., Del Maschio, A.
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Liver perfusion changes occurring during pancreatic islet engraftment: A dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance study
Am J Transplant. 2014 Jan;14(1):202-9
Esposito, A., Palmisano, A., Maffi, P., Malosio, M.L., Nano, R., Canu, T., De Cobelli, F., Piemonti, L., Ironi, G., Secchi, A., Del Maschio, A.
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7T Reveals Common Events in Age-Related Sarcopenia and in the Homeostatic Response to Muscle Sterile Injury
PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e59308.
Esposito, A., Campana, L., Palmisano, A., De Cobelli, F., Canu, T., Santarella, F., Colantoni, C., Monno, A., Vezzoli, M., Pezzetti, G., Manfredi, A.A., Rovere-Querini, P., De Maschio, A.
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Multidetector computed tomography for coronary stents imaging: High-voltage (140-KVP) prospective ecg-triggered versus standard-voltage (120-kvp) retrospective ecg-gated helical scanning
J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2013 May-Jun;37(3):395-401
Esposito, A., Colantoni, C., De Cobelli, F., Del Vecchio, A., Palmisano, A., Calandrino, R., Del Maschio, A.
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Gender influence on dose saving allowed by prospective- triggered 64-slice multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography as compared with retrospective-gated mode
Int J Cardiol. 2012 Jul 12;158(2):253-9.
Esposito, A., De Cobelli, F., Colantoni, C., Perseghin, G., Del Vecchio, A., Canu, T., Calandrino, R., Del Maschio, A.
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Delayed-enhanced cardiac MRI for differentiation of fabry's disease from symmetric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009 Mar;192(3):W97-102
De Cobelli, F., Esposito, A., Belloni, E., Pieroni, M., Perseghin, G., Chimenti, C., Frustaci, A., Del Maschio, A.
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Impaired left ventricular energy metabolism in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is related to the extension of fibrosis at delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
Heart. 2009 Mar;95(3):228-33
Esposito, A., De Cobelli, F., Perseghin, G., Pieroni, M., Belloni, E., Mellone, R., Canu, T., Gentinetta, F., Scifo, P., Chimenti, C., Frustaci, A., Luzi, L., Maseri, A., Del Maschio, A.
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