Domenico Lup

Orthopedic surgeon


Dr. Domenico Lup is an Orthopedist at the Department of Robotic Prosthetic Surgery at IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, directed by Professor Patrizio Caldora.

He received his medical degree in 1998 from the Second University of Naples. In 2003, he specialized in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the University of Florence, where he completed his PhD in Clinical Research and Pathology of Movement Organs in 2007.

He is currently mainly involved in the surgery of:

  • hip and knee prosthetic surgery (first implant and revision, minimally invasive and robotic surgery, use of Oncologic Megaprostheses)
  • arthroscopic knee surgery
  • reconstruction of tendon injuries of the lower extremity
  • treatment of patella pathologies and correction of angular deformities of the knee.

Since November 2017, he has devoted himself to single-compartment Robotic Assisted Prosthetic Surgery of the Hip and Knee. Since August 2018, he has assisted Dr. Caldora in the development and learning curve of the surgical technique of Total Knee Prosthesis in Robotically Assisted Surgery. He has developed experience in the use of major robotic systems dedicated to prosthetic surgery.

He is an author and co-author of multiple publications, and a faculty member in several theoretical-practical courses and constantly participates in national and international congresses in the field.

Do you need an appointment?

Contact us and we will take care of you.


Latest publications

Recupero post-operatorio e primi risultati clinici: MBK versus Legacy. Specialità Chirurgiche. Idee e confronti
Club dei Due Leoni. Giuseppe De Nicola editore 2001. Pag 389- 393.
F. Giron, D. Lup, A. Mondaini, P. Aglietti
Protesi totale di ginocchio dopo osteotomia tibiale alta valgizzante
G.I.O.T. 2001; 27(Suppl.1): S425- S429.
P. Aglietti, A. Baldini, L.M. Vena, D. Lup.
La protesi a menisco mobile
Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica 2003; 54: 271-88.
P. Aglietti, P.G. Zampetti, A. Baldini, L.M. Vena, D. Lup, L. DeLuca.
Il trattamento chirurgico del ginocchio recurvato
G.I.O.T. 2004 ; XXX (Suppl.1): S1-S324.
R. Buzzi, P. Aglietti, P. Cuomo, D. Lup, F. Giron.
Comparison of Mobile-Bearing and Fixed-Bearing Total Knee Arthroplasty
A Prospective Randomized Study. Journal of Arthroplasty; Vol. 20 N° 2 2005: pag 145-153.
P. Aglietti, R. Buzzi, A. Baldini, D. Lup, L. De Luca.
Total knee arthroplasty for valgus deformity with pie-crusting technique: five to twelve year follow up
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research; vol 464 2007: pag 73-77.
Aglietti P., Lup D., Cuomo P., Baldini A., De Luca L.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction in females: a prospective randomized comparison between hamstring and patellar tendon grafts
Journal of Orthopedics. Vol 1 N 2; 2009: pag 111-122.
F. Giron, M. Losco, D. Lup, R. Buzzi, P. Aglietti.
Pecchioli. Il ritardo di consolidazione delle fratture: Fattori biologici
GIOT AGOSTO 2013;39(suppl.1):131-137.
P. Caldora, D. Lup, P. De Biase, R. Capanna, R. Guarracino, O.
La propriocezione nelle protesi d’anca con teste grandi: studio retrospettivo comparativo tra protesi metallo-metallo e protesi di rivestimento.
GIOT 2017;43:29-34.
P. Caldora, P. Guastafierro, S. Zucchini, D. Lup, R. Redi, E. Manzi, G. Cerulli.
Comparison of Conventional vs Robotic-Assisted Total Hip Arthroplasty using the MAKO system:an italian retrospective study
Journal of Health and Social Sciences 2018; 3,1:37-48.
R. Banchetti, S. Dari, M.E. Ricciarini, D. Lup, F. Carpinteri, F. Catani, P. Caldora.
Lussazioni traumatiche acute di rotula
Lo Scalpello 2018;32:183- 190.
D. Lup, M.E. Ricciarini, P. Summa, R. Guarracino, P. Guastafierro, P. Caldora.
Blood Trasfusion, hospital stay and learning curve in robotic assisted total hip arthroplasty
Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents 2020;Vol 34, no.4 (S3),37-49.
Caldora P, D’Urso A, Banchetti R, Arniani S, Colcelli D, Ciampalini L, Guastafierro P, Lup D.
Esperienze cliniche con protesi a menisco mobile C.D. La protesizzazione del ginocchio: primo impianto e revisioni. Edito a cura di Vittorio Salvi
Striker Italia Educational Program 2002.
P. Aglietti, P.G.Zampetti, A. Baldini, L.M. Vena, D. Lup, L. De Luca.
La protesizzazione del ginocchio: primo impianto e revisioni. Edito a cura di Vittorio Salvi
Striker Italia educational program 2002.
P. Aglietti, D. Lup, A Baldini, L.M. Vena: Esperienze cliniche di protesizzazione negli esiti di osteotomia. C.D.
Complicanze immediate: La TVP profonda. C.D. La protesizzazione del ginocchio: primo impianto e revisioni
Edito a cura di Vittorio Salvi. Striker Italia educational program 2002
P. Aglietti, L.M. Vena, A Baldini, D. Lup

Do you need an appointment?

Contact us and we will take care of you.