Vision Problems in Athletes: Surgery Can Correct Them

Vision Problems in Athletes: Surgery Can Correct Them

Publication date: 04-11-2024

Updated on: 11-12-2024

Topic: Ophthalmology

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Vision is a crucial sense in daily life and plays a primary role in sports, where impeccable eyesight is often necessary. In many sports disciplines, the ability to see clearly and react quickly to certain stimuli can make the difference between success and failure.

Dr. Gaspare Monaco, a specialist in ophthalmology at Casa di Cura La Madonnina and Head of the Ophthalmology Department at IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, explains the most common vision problems among athletes and how simple surgical interventions can resolve these issues.

Why Vision is Important in Sports

"Having optimal vision can play a fundamental role in improving overall performance, as it allows for greater precision in perceiving the surrounding environment, reacting more quickly, and making decisions more effectively. Furthermore, clear and sharp vision can help prevent potential future injuries, as it reduces the risk of errors due to compromised visual perception," explains Dr. Monaco.

For athletes, eye problems can pose a significant obstacle in carrying out their activities. This is because vision is a sense directly linked to various skills that are essential and functional in the world of sports practice, as they affect:

  • Balance capability
  • Correct execution and precision of movements
  • Posture
  • Ability to monitor fast-moving objects
  • Reaction capacity
  • Coordination

Many physical activities require good vision; sports that involve aiming, striking a ball, or an opponent include boxing, fencing, rugby, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and many others.

The Most Common Visual Disorders in Athletes

Among the most common and benign vision problems that can significantly impact athletic performance are the so-called "refractive errors", which occur when light entering the eye is improperly refracted and not correctly focused on the retina. Specifically, these include:

  • Myopia: Difficulty seeing clearly distant objects.
  • Hyperopia: Near objects appear blurry.
  • Presbyopia: Reduced ability to see up close due to the aging of the lens, making it difficult to focus on nearby objects.
  • Astigmatism: Distorted or blurred vision at both near and far distances due to an irregular curvature of the cornea, which can compromise depth perception.

Surgery to Improve Athletes' Vision

These issues are often addressed with the common use of corrective glasses, which may not guarantee a 100% result (also due to the space between the eye and the lens) and can be an obstacle during sports.

At specialized facilities like Casa di Cura La Madonnina, which has always cared for athletes, optimal surgical solutions for sports and beyond are offered, such as:

  • Implantation of intraocular contact lenses
  • Replacement of the lens

Intraocular Contact Lenses

Intraocular lenses (ICL) are long-lasting artificial lenses (lasting 10-20 years) implanted in the eye, between the cornea and the natural lens. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia, lasting about 15-20 minutes per eye, is reversible, and does not require removal of the natural lens.

Intraocular contact lenses provide complete correction of vision defects and eliminate the need for glasses. Patients can be discharged after a few hours with a quick recovery.

For some individuals, the implantation of intraocular lenses is preferred over laser surgery in cases such as:

  • High myopia and/or astigmatism, where laser treatment may not be as effective or safe
  • Thin cornea, as they do not alter the structure of the corneal tissue
  • Dry eye issues, since they do not affect the eye's surface
  • Progression of vision: if vision is not stable and continues to decline, intraocular lenses are preferable as they can be removed and replaced.

Lens Replacement

Lens replacement is a surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, which involves replacing the natural lens with an artificial intraocular lens that can be customized based on the type of issue: cataract, myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, or astigmatism. The procedure lasts approximately 15-20 minutes per eye, with recovery beginning within hours and days following the surgery.

In this case, patients can also say goodbye to glasses or contact lenses, achieving stable vision over time.

Unlike intraocular lenses (ICL), those used for lens replacement are generally permanent and suitable for older individuals. Ultimately, it is the ophthalmologist who will recommend one type of procedure over another based on the specific issue and the individual clinical characteristics of the patient.

Intraocular lens implantation and lens replacement represent safe and effective solutions for improving vision,” concludes Dr. Monaco. “These procedures, characterized by low risk and relatively simple, minimally invasive surgery, can make a significant difference in athletic performance, allowing athletes to lead an active life.

Symptoms of Vision Problems to Look Out for

Recognizing the signs of suboptimal vision is essential for athletes, as it allows them to more effectively face technical challenges and the variable conditions of the sporting context. Paying attention to visual health can, in fact, promote a safer and more conscious practice.

Among the most common clinical manifestations that could indicate vision disturbances are:

  • Blurred vision: difficulty seeing clearly at a distance or up close
  • Excessive sensitivity to light or discomfort in bright environments
  • Double vision: seeing two images of a single object
  • Frequent headaches
  • Eye fatigue
  • Tunnel vision: difficulty seeing the sides of the visual field
  • Alterations in the visual field: seeing dark spots or areas

If one or more of these symptoms occur, especially tunnel vision and alterations in the visual field, it is advisable to consult an eye doctor for a thorough evaluation to identify the issue.

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