The most common hand pathologies: how to recognize them?

The most common hand pathologies: how to recognize them?

تاريخ النشر : 19-07-2024

تحديث في : 19-07-2024

الموضوع: جراحة العظام

الوقت المقدر للقراءة : 1 min

The hand and wrist are joints of primary importance for carrying out every activity of daily life. In fact, they are used in many actions, from the simplest such as grasping an object, to the most complex such as performing fine work, as well as being a fundamental sense organ for knowledge of our surroundings. Thanks to the synergistic action of muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments, the hand is able to combine strength and precision of movement, and because of this complexity it can be affected by a variety of diseases, some very common such as snapping finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, rhizoarthrosis. 

"Hand disorders are widespread, and although a genetic predisposition is almost always recognized, they are often related to the performance of certain particularly strenuous or repetitive tasks; the hand and wrist are also among the joints most affected by home, sports and work injuries," notes Dr. Giorgio Piarulli, an orthopedic surgeon in the Orthopedic and Trauma Unit at Policlinico San Marco and Smart Clinic orthopedic surgeon. But how do they occur? How are they diagnosed and how are they treated? Let's find out with the help of our expert.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

"Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects many people, determined by the entrapment of a nerve at the wrist, which causes numbness and pain in the first 3 fingers of the hand, especially at night, - Dr. Piarulli explains -. 

To confirm the presence and severity of the pathology, an examination, called electromyography, and a specialist examination must be performed. 

In milder cases, some measures such as the use of a brace may be sufficient, but often a quick and painless surgical procedure is necessary to free the nerve from the structures compressing it; such surgery, if performed before the onset of permanent nerve damage, is almost always decisive."

Snapping fingers

Along with carpal tunnel syndrome, snapping finger is one of the most common conditions of the hand. "It manifests as a jerk in the act of extending the fingers after grasping a small object. In severe cases, the finger may become stuck, making it difficult and painful to recover its function. 

For a correct diagnosis, an examination is sufficient, while treatment is almost always surgical, with surgery lasting only a few minutes," the specialist continues.

De Quervain's tenosynovitis

De Quervain's tenosynovitis is inflammation of the sheath of 2 tendons responsible for thumb movement and is manifested by intense pain in the wrist and first finger that, often, is felt even in lighter activities. 

"Initial treatment is the use of braces, rest and anti-inflammatories; should the symptoms persist for more than 4-6 months, cortisone infiltration or surgery, which is quick and minimally invasive, can be used," suggests Dr. Piarulli.

Dupuytren's disease

Although it is little known, Dupuytren's disease is a very common pathology that causes the formation of nodules and cords on the palm of the hand. 

In some cases these cords can lead over time to a progressive flexion of the fingers, with potentially disabling outcomes. When the fingers lose the possibility of extending, surgical treatment is necessary, which must be planned quickly to increase the success of the operation", warns the specialist.


Rhizarthrosis is arthrosis or the wear of a joint of the hand called the trapezoid-metacarpal. "Sufferers of this condition experience a dull pain at the base of the thumb, which is accentuated with specific movements such as opening a jar or turning a key in a lock. 

Like all degenerative diseases, it cannot be cured, but therapies such as shock waves, physiotherapy, and some behavioral tricks can greatly reduce its symptoms. In the most severe cases, surgery may be necessary: although modern techniques are characterized by reduced invasiveness and relatively quick recovery times, it is still a complex and demanding procedure, the usefulness of which should be discussed on a case-by-case basis," Dr. Piarulli further explains.

The importance of early diagnosis

Early diagnosis of hand diseases is crucial, as delay in diagnosis and treatment, in addition to causing pain and disability, can reduce the benefits of treatment and lead to incomplete recovery. 

Therefore, in case of pain or movement limitations affecting the hand district, it is important to arrange an examination by an orthopedic hand specialist, during which an accurate diagnosis can be reached and the most appropriate treatments can be undertaken based on the individual patient's peculiarities, expectations, and functional demands.

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