Loris Pegoli

Orthopedic surgeon


Dr. Loris Pegoli is the head of the Sports Hand Center at Zucchi Wellness Clinic - Istituti Clinici Zucchi in Monza, the head of the Hand Surgery Unit at the Istituto Clinico Villa Aprica, and a hand surgery consultant at Casa di Cura La Madonnina.

His studies began in 1984, when he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Genoa, and in 1999 he received a specialization in orthopedics and traumatology. Later, he received a position as a researcher at the Massachusetts General Hospital General Hand Surgery Center at Harvard University in Boston, and in 2001 received a top-level specialization in hand surgery and microsurgery at Hirosaki University in Japan.

His areas of interest are the wrist and hand, in particular, sports pathology, traumatic pathology of bones, tendons and nerves, degenerative pathology and pathology of inflammation of tendons. Special attention is paid to minimally invasive techniques, such as wrist and hand arthroscopy, endoscopic techniques for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and snapping finger.

He has performed more than 5,500 wrist and hand surgeries over the past 5 years.

President of the World Society of Sports Medicine and Exercise. Since 2016, he has been the coordinator of the medical commission of the National Fighting Association: head of the medical staff of the Leon Petrosyan team, Head of the Hand surgery service of J Medical, Turin, as well as for wrist and hand diseases in participants of various football teams and national teams in various disciplines.

He is also the co-founder and former president of the World Research Institute of Sports Hand Traumatology, founder of ISSPORTH, the International Society of Sports Hand Traumatology and President of the Fight Clinic.

In addition to participating in more than 100 national and international congresses on the topic of "Hand Surgery", his scientific activity consists in publishing dozens of works in national and international journals and book chapters.

Dr. Pegoli is also a regular member of the Italian Society of Hand Surgery and a member of other societies, including the European Society of Hand Surgery, the International Society of Hand Sports Traumatology, the Japanese Society of Hand Surgery, the Estonian Society of Hand Surgery and the European Society of Wrist Arthroscopy.

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Latest publications

Le lesioni acute del legamento crociato anterioe. Quale trattamentoi?
Quaderni di Medicina e Chirurgia, Fasc. 88, 1995.
L. Felli, S. Bertora, L. Pegoli
Osteosintesi di urgenza nei traumi scheletrici della mano
Minerva Ortopedica, Ottobre 1998; Vol. 49: N. 10
M. Rubino, S. Bardella, N. Ursino, L. Pegoli, S. Bertora
The Tack knee prosthesis. Analysis of a uniform case series
Orthopade 2000, June; 29 supp.1: S34-7
Felli L., Rainuzzi R., Pegoli L., Pipino F.
Complications and their treatment after Free Fibula Graft for recostruction of the extremities
Journal Jpn. Soc. of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 2001,Vol.17,N.7;559
K. Arai, S. Toh, H. Miura, L. Pegoli, G.I. Vallejo
Two cases of elbow joint reconstruction using free II and III MTP joint tranfer
Journal Jpn. Soc. for Reconstructive Microsurgery, 2001,Vol.14,N.2;155
Miura H., Harata S., S. Toh, K. Arai, L. Pegoli, G.I. Vallejo
Toh S., Sasaki K., Jupiter J.B., Pegoli L.
Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery, 2001, February, Vol.36, No.2;167-172
An introduction to screw for scaphoid fracture
Miura H., Harata S., Toh S., Arai K., Pegoli L., Vallejo G.I.
Journal Japanese Society for Minimally Invasive Orthopaedic Surgery, Vol.1, No.1: 2001
Arthroscopic debridement of extensor retinaculum and stalk of the cyst for recured ganglion of the dorsal cyst: a case report
Arthroscopic treatment of recurred dorsal ganglia of the wrist after open surgery
Tohoku Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Vol. 48, No.1; June 2001
Miura H., Harata S., Toh S., Arai K., Pegoli L., Vallejo G.I., Marita S., Masuya M
Complication and treatment of Vascularized Fibula Graft for Limb Reconstruction
Journal of Microsurgery, 2001, October, Vol. 17, No.7;559
Arai K., Toh S., Miura H., Pegoli L., Vallejo G.I., Harata S.
L. Pegoli, T. Giesen, M. Blini, G. Pajardi
The Journal of Jpn. Soc. Surg. Hand, Vol. 19, n.1, 2002
Global treatment of hand deformities in recessice dystrophyc epidermolysis bullosa
Pegoli L., Toh S., Arai K., Fukuda A., Nishikawa S., Vallejo I.G.
J Hand Surg (Br). 2003 Feb; 28(1): 15-17
"The Ishiguro extension block technique for the treatment of mallet finger fracture: indications and clinical results.
Total anterior tenoarthrolysis for the treatment of stiff bent finger
J. Japan. Soc. Surg. Hand, Vol.20 No.1, 2003: 146
Pegoli L., Colombelli J., Pivato G., Pajardi G. Foucher G.
Arthroplasty of the CMCJ arthritis-. Evaluation of 308 consecutive cases
J. Japan. Soc. Surg. Hand, Vol. 21 No. 1, 2004
Pegoli L., Calcagni M., Pivato G., Giesen T., Pajardi G.
Kudoh S., Toh S., Calcagni M., Pegoli L., Pajardi G.
J. Japan. Soc. Surg. Hand, Vol. 21 No. 1, 2004: 240-243
Reconstruction of complex dorsal injuries of the hand
Kazuki Kuniyoshi, Satoshi Toh, Shinji Nishikawa, Satoru Kudo, Taro Ogawa, Pegoli L.
Journal Pediatric Orthopedics B, January Vol. 14:1 2005
Long term follow-up of a malunited, isolated fracture of the capitate in a 6-year-old boy: A case study

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