
Obstetric Units of San Donato Group provide women with 24/7 assistance by physicians specialized in obstetrics-gynaecology and experienced midwives. 

Normal spontaneous deliveries are assisted by midwives, supervised by obstetricians, who intervene in case of clinical indications. All individual cases (in particular those with maternal-fetal complications or abnormalities) are discussed within a multidisciplinary team including obstetricians and neonatologists, in order to to provide the best care for the mother and her baby. Particular care is taken in order to provide natural birth as well as complete maternal and fetal safety. More so, during elective cesarean sections we place maximum respect of physiological aspects of birth. 

The Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Reproductive Medicine of Ospedale San Raffaele, both in its outpatient services and inpatient ward, consists of two components: one providing care and assistance to physiological pregnancies and the other clinical management to high-risk pregnancies with maternal and/or fetal complications (such as preeclampsia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cholestasis of pregnancy, medical problems such as autoimmune disorders and fetal or placental abnormalities). 

Obstetric Units also offer a dedicated course for accompaniment to birth, for expecting mothers and families conducted by certified psychologists. 

Main conditions treated

Our excellence in numbers


deliveries per year


Caesarean sections deliveries


Vaginal deliveries with epidural analgesia




obstetric surgical theaters


delivery rooms


prelabour room

We reach the highest goals for you

Obstetric Unit of Gruppo San Donato has developed dedicated pathways and protocols to guarantee the best care for future mother and a child, including courses for accompaniment to birth, for mother and newborn meetings all conducted by certified psychologists.

Bollino Rosa

Ospedale San Raffaele

Bollino Rosa

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Ospedale San Raffaele

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Do you need an appointment?

Contact us and we will take care of you.

Where do we treat it?

At GSD Group, you can find this specialty at these departments:

Explore other Gynecology and Obstetrics specialties