Lung and thoracic cancer

For over 20 years, a dedicated Lung Cancer working group has been devoted to patients suffering from neoplasms of the thoracic district, studying and proposing innovative diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities (personalized, biological, immunotherapeutic, antiangiogenic and chemotherapeutic therapies of new generations). The group is involved in the national and international research and together with the main Italian oncological centers promoted the creation of a national network of high-level specialties ( in order to optimize the lung cancer patients’ management. 

The profound knowledge of the pathology, a quick and well-coordinated diagnostic / therapeutic approach, and understanding of the specific needs of patients suffering from lung neoplasms has led the Lung Cancer group, which closely collaborated with other disciplines, to the establishment of the predefined paths from diagnosis to the treatment. The patients with suspected or confirmed lung cancer are evaluated weekly by the dedicated multidisciplinary team, that is composed by: oncologists, surgeons, pulmonologists, radiotherapists, nuclear doctors, radiologists, pain therapists and palliativists. 

Main conditions treated

Our excellence in numbers


lung cancer patients per year


new first visits per year


control visits per year


therapies per year

We reach the highest goals for you

More than 20 clinical trials, including the study of experimental drugs, are available. The Medical Oncology Department of Ospedale San Raffaele is the coordinating centre of a clinical trial, financed by the Italian ministry of health, designed with the aim to improve molecular diagnostics in the Italian research centres and to increase the therapeutic opportunities for non-small-cell lung carcinoma patients, particularly for those patients carrying molecular alterations, vulnerable to targeted inhibition. 

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World's Best Smart Hospitals 2021

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Ospedale San Raffaele

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

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Ospedale San Raffaele

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Where do we treat it?

At GSD Group, you can find this specialty at these departments:

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